Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780133766264
Author: Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON

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Chapter 9, Problem 3E

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Exception class:

The exception class to find whether the time entered is valid or not. The time should be in the format “hour:minute” followed by “am” or “pm”.

//Create a class that extends Exception

public class InvalidFormattingException extends Exception


    //Define a parameterized constructor

    public InvalidFormattingException(String reason)


//Call the parent class's method by passing a message





The above class “InvalidFormattingException” occurs when the time entered by the user in invalid.

Complete program:

//Import required packages

import java.util.*;

import java.util.Scanner;

//Define the main class

class Main


    //Declare required variables

    private int hour, minute;

    private boolean isAM;


    public Main()


        //Instantiate the values

        hour = 0;

        minute = 0;

        isAM = false;


    //Function definition to set the time

public void setTimeTo(String aTime) throws InvalidFormattingException


        //Declare required variables

        int hourFound;

        int minuteFound;

        String indicatorFound;

        //Create an object for the scanner class

        Scanner reader = new Scanner(aTime);

        //Split using the delimiter


        //Try block



            //Assign the hour

            hourFound = reader.nextInt();


        //Catch the exception

        catch (Exception e)


            //Throw the exception with a message

throw new InvalidFormattingException("Hour not an integer");


        //Get the remaining string

        String restOfString =;

        reader = new Scanner(restOfString);

        //Remove the last two characters


            //Throw the exception

throw new InvalidFormattingException("Bad format");

        //Get the substring

String minuteString = restOfString.substring(0, restOfString.length()-2);

        //Get the substring

String amString = restOfString.substring(restOfString.length()-2);

        //Try block



            //Convert the minute to integer

minuteFound = Integer.parseInt(minuteString);


        //Catch the exception

        catch (Exception e)


            //Throw the exception

throw new InvalidFormattingException("Minute not an integer");


        //Check condition

if(!amString.equals("am") && !amString.equals("pm"))

            //Throw the exception with a message

throw new InvalidFormattingException("Did not have am/pm");

        //Assign the value

        hour = hourFound;

        //Assign the value

        minute = minuteFound;

        //Check if the string is am


Blurred answer
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Chapter 9 Solutions

Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)

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