Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780133766264
Author: Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON

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Chapter 9, Problem 2P

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//Class Account

public class Account


    //Private variable

    private double balance;

    //Define a constructor

    public Account()


        //Initialize the amount value

        balance = 0;


    //Parameterized constructor

    public Account(double initialDeposit)


        //Assign the value

        balance = initialDeposit;


    //Function to get balance

    public double getBalance()


        //Return the amount

        return balance;


    //Function to deposit the amount

public double deposit(double amount) throws NegativeAmountException


        //Check if amount is greater than 0

        if (amount > 0)

            //Add the value to the balance

            balance += amount;



            //return -1;

            //Throw an exception

            throw new NegativeAmountException();

        //Return the balance

        return balance;


    //Function definition to withdraw the amount

public double withdraw(double amount) throws InsufficentBalanceException, NegativeAmountException


        //Check if amount is greater than balance

        if (amount > balance)

            //throw an exception

            throw new InsufficentBalanceException();

        //Check if amount is less than 0

        else if (amount < 0)

            //Throw an exception

            throw new NegativeAmountException();



            //Calculate the balance

            balance -= amount;

        //Return the balance amount

        return balance;


    //Main method

    public static void main(String[] args)


        //Create an object for the class

        Account a = new Account(10);

        //Try block



            //Deposit the value


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Chapter 9 Solutions

Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)

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