Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections
Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections
1st Edition
ISBN: 9781133939146
Author: Katz, Debora M.
Publisher: Cengage Learning

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Chapter 5, Problem 23PQ

The x and y coordinates of a 4.00-kg particle moving in the xy plane under the influence of a net force F are given by x = t4 − 6t and y = 4t2 + 1, with x and y in meters and t in seconds. What is the magnitude of the force F at t = 4.00 s?

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To determine

Find the magnitude of the force at t=4.00 s.

Answer to Problem 23PQ

The magnitude of force at t=4.00 s is 769 N.

Explanation of Solution

Write the Newton’s second law of motion for x and y component.

  Fx=maxFy=may                                                                                              (I)

Here, Fx is the x component of force of the particle, ax is the x component of acceleration, Fy is the y component of force of the particle, ay is the y component of acceleration and m is the mass of the particle.

Write the magnitude of the force.

    Fnet=Fx2+Fy2                                                                                              (II)

Here, Fnet is the magnitude of the force.

Write the x and y component of the velocity and acceleration of the particle.

    vx=dxdtvy=dydt                                                                                               (III)

  ax=dvxdtay=dvydt                                                                                             (IV)

Here, vx and vy are x and y component of velocity and ax and ay are x and y component of acceleration.


Substitute t46t for x, 4t2+1 for y in equation III.



Substitute 4t36 for vx and 8t for vy in equation IV.


    ay=d(8t)dt=8 m/s2

Substitute 4.00 kg for m, 12t2 for ax, 8 m/s2 for ay in equation I.

    Fx=(4.00 kg)(12t2)=48.0t2 N

    Fy=(4.00 kg)(8 m/s2)=32.0 N

Substitute 48.0t2 N for Fx, 4.00 s for t and 32.0 N for Fy in equation II.

    Fnet=[(48.0)(4.00 s)2]2+(32.0 N)2=769 N

Therefore, the magnitude of force at t=4.00 s is 769 N.

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