Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life (MindTap Course List)
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life (MindTap Course List)
15th Edition
ISBN: 9781337408332
Author: Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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Chapter 32, Problem 1DAA
Summary Introduction

To determine: The rat which moved around most during the first five minutes in a new cage, those prenatally exposed to MDMA or the controls.

Introduction: Ecstasy is a psychedelic drug. The active ingredient present in ecstasy is 3, 4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA). It is commonly used as a recreational drug.

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The study on the rats was performed to assess the behavioral effects of the prenatal exposure of MDMA to their offspring. Researcher J injected female rats with either MDMA or saline solution from day 14 to day 20. When the offspring was 21 days old, they were tested for their ability to adjust in the new environment for a period of 20 minutes at an interval of 5 minutes (0-5 min, 6-10 min, 11-15 min, and 16-20 min). The movement was detected by a photobeam system.

Refer to Fig. 32.15, “Effect of prenatal exposure to MDMA on rats’’ in the question. During the first five minutes, the rat that was injected with normal saline moved more than the rat that was injected with MDMA.


During the first five minutes, the rats those were prenatally exposed to saline moved around more than those exposed to MDMA.

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