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HPCAL4 CUX2 LPL NTSR1 HOXB13 FABP4 CPVL Gene information End Start chr6;chr6;ch 133241357;: 133241749;:- chr2;chr2;ch 153871898;: 153872303; chr5;chr5;ch 51383124;5:51383699;5: chr6;chr6;ch 33721666;3:33723187;3: ZFPM2-AS1 chr8;chr8;ch 105780410;: 105780567;:- PINCR chrX;chrX;ch 43176994;4:43177205;4: +;+ chr1;chr1;ch 39678648;3:39682733;3 chr12;chr12 111034024;: 111034240;: chr8;chr8;ch 19939071;1: 19939528;1- chr20;chr20 62708837;6:62709921;6: +;+;+;+ chr17;chr17 48724765;448727043;4(-;- chr8;chr8;ch 81478497;8: 81478915;8:---- chr7;chr7;ch 28995231;228995882;21-;-;-;-) LOC1004205 chr19;chr19; 28435389;228436815;2-;-;-;- SAMSN1 chr21;chr21; 14485228;1414486114;14- LOC642366 chr5;chr5 51372737;5:51379075;5:-;- CSF2 SPOCK3 DPYSL5 CCDC178 MT1A GABRA3 NCAM1 JAKMIP2 CCAT1 RTL9 VGLL2 chr5;chr5;ch 132073792;: 132073982; +;+;+;+ chr4;chr4;ch 166733385;: 166735090;-;-; chr2;chr2;ch 26848101;2(26848254;2( +;- chr18;chr18 32937402;3:32938091;31--- chr16;chr16:56638666;5(56638766;5(+;+;+ 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this is what i have said about this image so far, what else can be said aswell including the raw count column.
Interpreting the results of an RNA-Seq analysis is pivotal in understanding the underlying genetic mechanisms of diseases such as breast cancer. In this analysis, Figure 1 provides comprehensive data on differentially expressed genes associated with breast cancer. By delving into the provided information, we can gain valuable insights into the molecular landscape of this disease. First focus is on the gene with the highest fold change, EYA4, situated on chromosome 6. With a staggering fold change of 3604.4176, EYA4 exhibits an unprecedented level of overexpression in cancerous cells compared to normal cells. This profound alteration suggests a pivotal role for EYA4 in breast cancer pathogenesis. The log2 fold change of 11.81555 further emphasizes the magnitude of this difference in gene expression. Statistical significance is evident, with an exceptionally low p-value of 2.85E-284, indicating a highly improbable occurrence under the null hypothesis. Moreover, the false discovery rate (FDR) of 1.55E-282 reinforces the robustness of this finding, signifying minimal chances of a false positive result. Continuing with the examination of the gene with the second highest fold change, GALNT13, located on chromosome 2, one observes a fold change of 1099.1348. Although not as pronounced as EYA4, GALNT13 still exhibits substantial dysregulation in cancer cells. The log2 fold change of 10.102153 underlines the significant difference in expression levels between normal and cancerous tissues. This observation is further supported by a low p-value of 4.99E-95, indicating statistical significance, and an FDR of 5.49 E-94, which reinforces the reliability of the result.
Expanding the analysis to include other genes with notable fold changes, a spectrum of dysregulated genes implicated in breast cancer progression emerges. GABRA3, NCAM1, ISL1, IP6K3, PINCR, ZFPM2-AS1, HPCAL4, CUX2, LPL, NTSR1, HOXB13, FABP4, CPVL, LOC1004205, SAMSN1, LOC642366, CSF2, SPOCK3, DPYSL5, CCDC178, and MT1A all exhibit significant alterations in expression levels, with fold changes ranging from 215.16056 to 847.28604. These findings underscore the multifactorial nature of breast cancer, implicating a diverse array of genes in its pathogenesis."

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