activation of a CD8-positive T lymphocyte requires presentation of antigen in association with which of the following? Class I MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-2 by CD4 T lymphocytes. b. Class I MHC protein and synthesis of gamma-interferon by macrophages. с. Class II MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-1 by macrophages. d. Class II MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-4 by CD4 T lymphocytes.

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activation of a CD8-positive T lymphocyte requires presentation of antigen in association with which of the following? Class I MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-2 by CD4 T lymphocytes. b. Class I MHC protein and synthesis of gamma-interferon by macrophages. с. Class II MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-1 by macrophages. d. Class II MHC protein and synthesis of interleukin-4 by CD4 T lymphocytes. 

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