Grant Stansbury
LHRD 3723
Feb 2, 2023
Based on the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y, how would you describe each manager’s philosophy and style of leadership? In what way do their attitudes about Vanessa affect their leadership? Marion: top-down, authoritarian leadership style that views subordinates as in need of guidance and exercises control. Bruce: Practices laissez-
faire leadership, offering no additional assistance or guidance to subordinates and exhibiting no control. Heather: Theory Y, democratic style leadership, treats subordinates
fairly, improves motivation and satisfaction.
In this type of customer service setting, which leadership style would be most effective for the bank to meet its goals? From the bank’s perspective, which (if any) manager exhibits the most appropriate leadership? Discuss. Authoritarian leadership style; Heather; this environment requires this style of leadership to function effectively and efficiently in day-to-day operations; Heather is more democratic and is most appropriate due to her consideration and counsel for subordinates.
What advice would you give to each of the managers to enhance their leadership skills within the bank? Marion: I would tell Marion to start being kinder to his employees instead of treating them poorly. Bruce: I would tell Bruce to start caring more towards his
employees instead of acting as if he doesn’t care all the time. Heather: I would not criticize heather’s style of leading in anyway.