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Apr 3, 2024





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Florida Technical College 1.4 Assignment EHR Capabilities  Professor: Alyssa Bisnauth Alba Rios 01/11/2024
1.4 Assignment EHR Capabilities Read Chapter 2 of the textbook,  Integrated Electronic Health Records . Answer the following questions to the best of your ability using complete sentences. (Answer each question with a minimum of 75 words). 1. Why do organizations such as the ONC, NHIN, RHIO, HIE, REC, ACOs, and CCHIT exist?  Organizations such as the ONC, NHIN, RHIO, HIE, REC, ACOs, and CCHIT exist because they all have different effect on the system but do the same thing. For example, the RHIO the system helps by giving out certain information and data, but this also helps improve the care for those patients who need it or because they have a case they need to resolve. 2. What common goals do these organizations have?  The common goals that these organizations all have is that theses all help to give and create a better care for the patients and to help also the people transferring data and information because this also helps them to be organized in a certain way they can find the information they need. 3. Mention at least five (5) standards and/or guidelines they establish for EHRs. HIPPA, PHI, NPI, ARRA, NHIN
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