Ethics and Professional Responsibility 2
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
. Understanding and exhibiting principles of conduct and professional behavior which impact a greater good in the world and workplace. Understanding and applying ethical and professional principles of conduct.
Write a 250-word minimum essay which includes the following:
Describe the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes regarding this transferable skill that you have gained as a result of completing this program.
Discuss three ways that you are going to incorporate this transferable skill into your work within your chosen career field.
Correct spelling and grammar.
Ethics and Professional is the duty to act with diligence no matter the task at hand. Ethics has to do with morality and the way people act in the sense of good or bad. Integrity is the ethical behavior which is shown in action and communication. Avoiding conflicts of interests prevents dishonest practices that would destroy trust. Honesty, Accountability and Competence are three ways I am going to incorporate this transferable skill into the chosen career field. Honesty is important as a software developer as it comes to completing projects. Having this is imperative when it comes to one’s actions, plans and mistakes. Being transparent will allow room for improvement and more opportunities within the company. Accountability when it comes to taking ownership of my actions. This could be for setting goals, prioritizing tasks to be efficient in completing them. This will lead to increased productivity and confidence as it results in successful completion of projects. Lastly, competence
as a software developer is essential. With a complete set of abilities, skills, and knowledge needed to actively engage in the development process effectively. Competence is categorized into soft and hard skills. Soft skills include behavioral standpoint individually and interaction with others. Hard skills go into what is listed above such as knowledge gained, skills and abilities
learned. All of which are teachable, acquired through training and studies to perform the task of the job at hand. Honesty, Accountability, and competence are what I have learned throughout completing this program. All of which are beneficial when it comes to good developers. When creating programs, it must be done with integrity when working with clients and employers.