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Jun 14, 2024





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PMAL203: Organizational Behaviour and Management  Shilpa Student Id: 249619910 Shraddha Stephen Wilfred Unit 6: Case study 1
Identifying and Analyzing the Issues: After his peer, Raphael is elevated to the position of boss, Barry faces a formidable obstacle. This circumstance raises a number of issues: Credit Appropriation : By claiming credit for Barry's efforts, Raphael is undercutting Barry's accomplishments and maybe impeding his ability to advance in his field. Professional Uncertainty : Under Raphael's direction, Barry feels underappreciated and uncertain about his future in the organization. Power Dynamics : Barry is reluctant to voice his complaints because he doesn't want to be seen as a whiner, which would further reduce his authority and influence inside the company. Q1: Should Barry complain about his treatment by Raphael? To whom? If he did complain, what influence tactics and behaviour should Barry use? Since Raphael's treatment of Barry has an impact on both his professional development and well- being within the organization, Barry ought to speak with him about it. To preserve his reputation and power, he should, nonetheless, handle the matter strategically. Barry may manage the circumstance well by implementing the following: Choose the Appropriate Audience : When addressing his concerns, Barry needs to be very careful about who he communicates to. He can first speak with Raphael face-to-face to let out his concerns and seek a solution in a confidential atmosphere. Use Assertive Communication : Barry should talk to Raphael about the situation using assertive communication strategies. This entails expressing his concerns in a straightforward
manner, use "I" expressions to convey his emotions and experiences, and acting with assurance and decorum at all times. Present Evidence: Barry has to give specific examples of how Raphael's activities, including claiming credit for his own work, have affected him. Barry can prove his points and persuade Raphael of the consequences of his actions by providing proof. Focus on Collaboration : Barry should place more of an emphasis on problem-solving and collaboration rather than taking a confrontational approach. Barry can help Raphael approach the matter constructively by focusing the conversation on shared objectives and the significance of a productive working relationship. Seek Assistance if Needed : Barry should think about asking for assistance from the HR department or a higher authority if his attempts to directly address the problem with Raphael are ineffective. Barry's concerns can be efficiently addressed and a productive discussion can be facilitated by involving unbiased mediators. In summary, Barry ought to tackle the matter with professionally and concentrate on identifying a win-win resolution. Barry can handle how Raphael has treated him while maintaining his standing and reputation inside the company by communicating assertively and asking for help when he needs it. Q2: Studies have shown that those prone to complaining or “whining” tend to have less power in an organization. Do you think whining leads to diminished power and influence, or the other way around? How can Barry avoid appearing to be a whiner?
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