McMurray 5311 Week 3 Assignment-Foundational Leadership Competencies (1-6)



Lamar University *

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Jun 18, 2024





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EDLD 5311 Fundamentals Leadership – Week 3 Assignment D O NOT MODIFY NOR DELETE ANY PORTION OF THIS DOCUMENT ! F OLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDING STATEMENTS / QUESTIONS . T YPE YOUR NARRATIVE RESPONSES IN THE SPACE INDICATE ON THIS DOCUMENT . U SE THE RUBRIC AS A GUIDE FOR EXPECTATIONS . S UBMIT THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT AFTER ADDING YOUR NARRATIVE RESPONSES . Course Objectives 1. Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of leadership approaches and mindsets. (CLO1) 2. Identify personal professional leadership orientation and philosophy. (CLO2) 3. Analyze and synthesize leadership competencies. (CLO3) 4. Develop an initial practicum plan. (CLO4) 5. Exemplify requisite credentials and program requirements. (CLO5) Week 3: Foundational Leadership Competencies (1-6) Week 3 Learning Objectives 1. Apply Foundational Leadership Competencies 1 – 6 to analyze level of leadership effectiveness. (W3LO1) (CLO3) 2. Conduct a root cause analysis. (W3LO2) (CLO3) 3. Formulate a solution to the problem using the Foundational Leadership Competencies 1 – 6. (W3LO3) (CLO3) 4. Record evidence of requisite credentials for candidate and mentor. (W3LO4) (CLO5) Resources Readings: (W3LO1, W3LO3) (CLO3) o School Leader Internship, 2.5 “Foundational Leadership Competencies,” pp. 35-42. o Case Study 1 Lectures: (W3LO1, W3LO2, W3LO3) (CLO3) o Lecture – Foundational Leadership Competencies 1. Developing Trusting Relationships 2. Leading in the Realization of the Vision 3. Making Shared Decisions 4. Communicating Effectively 5. Resolving Conflict and Issues 6. Motivating and Developing Others o Root Cause Analysis Course Materials: o Basic Writing Elements o APA Formatted Citations and References o Paraphrasing & APA Citation Lesson 1 Lamar University Fall 2023 3 rd 5-week Session
EDLD 5311 Fundamentals Leadership – Week 3 Assignment o EDLD Reflective Model: What? So What? Now What? Week 3 Assignment Rubric: Use the Rubric to guide your writing. ALL evidence must be appropriately cited in APA format. Tasks Level 1: Does not meet the minimum criteria Level 2: Approaches minimum criteria Level 3: Meets minimum criteria Level 4: Meets target criteria Part 1: 45 Points Candidate identifies the primary problem and root cause. Candidate formulates a solution to the problem using the Foundational Leadership Competencies 1- 6. (W3LO2, W3LO3) (CLO3) Candidate vaguely identifies the problem and provides no supporting evidence. Candidate vaguely identifies the root cause and provides no supporting evidence. Candidate provides inaccurate, incomplete, or no information about the root cause analysis process. Candidate vaguely formulates a solution to the problem that is not related to the root cause. 0 - 30 Points Candidate identifies the primary problem with little supporting evidence. Candidate identifies the root cause of the problem with little supporting evidence. Candidate states the root cause analysis process used to identify the root cause with little or no detail. Candidate formulates a solution to the problem that is not clearly related to the root cause. 31 Points Candidate identifies the primary problem and provides supporting evidence. Candidate identifies the root cause of the problem and provides supporting evidence. Candidate describes the root cause analysis process used to identify the root cause with minimum detail. Candidate formulates a viable solution to the problem that generally addresses the root cause. Supporting evidence is provided. 36 Points Candidate identifies the primary problem with clarity and provides thorough, specific supporting evidence. Candidate identifies the root cause of the problem with clarity and provides thorough, specific supporting evidence. Candidate describes the root cause analysis process used to identify the root cause with specificity and clarity. Candidate formulates a viable solution to the problem that clearly addresses the root cause. Supporting evidence is provided with clarity and specificity. 45 Points Part 2: 25 Points Candidate reflects on his/her capacity to Candidate demonstrates little or no self-reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to identify the root cause of the problem. Candidate demonstrates superficial self- reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to identify the root cause of the Candidate demonstrates an emerging depth of self-reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to identify the root cause of the problem. Candidate articulates depth of candid self- reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to identify the root cause of the problem. Candidate provides 2 Lamar University Fall 2023 3 rd 5-week Session
EDLD 5311 Fundamentals Leadership – Week 3 Assignment apply the Foundational Leadership Competencies (1-6) and root cause analysis to reach solutions. (W3LO1, W3LO2, W3LO3) (CLO3) Candidate provides little or no supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate demonstrates little or no self-reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to formulate a viable solution to the problem. Candidate provides little or no supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate articulates little or no self- reflection regarding future application of new learning for development of proficiency in the 6 Foundational Leadership Competencies. Candidate provides little or no supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. 0 - 16 Points problem. Candidate provides little supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate demonstrates superficial self- reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to formulate a viable solution to the problem. Candidate provides little supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate articulates superficial self- reflection regarding future application of new learning for development of proficiency in the 6 Foundational Leadership Competencies. Candidate provides little supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. 17 Points Candidate provides supporting adequate evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate demonstrates an emerging depth of self-reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to formulate a viable solution to the problem. Candidate provides adequate supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate articulates an emerging depth of self- reflection regarding future application of new learning for development of proficiency in the 6 Foundational Leadership Competencies. Candidate provides adequate supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. 21 Points clear and specific supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate articulates depth of candid self- reflection regarding the candidate’s capacity to formulate a viable solution to the problem. Candidate provides clear and specific supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. Candidate articulates depth of candid self- reflection regarding future application of new learning for development of proficiency in the 6 Foundational Leadership Competencies. Candidate provides clear and specific supporting evidence from the readings and/or lectures. 25 Points Writing Quality: 5 Points Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, Citations Narrative has glaring and unacceptable grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling errors. And/Or, published and public sources are inadequately cited or not cited at all. 0 - 2 points Narrative has frequent grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling errors. And/Or, most published and public sources are cited, but with many APA formatting errors. 3 points Narrative has several grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling errors. And/Or, all published and public sources are cited with several APA formatting errors. 4 points Narrative has few or no grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling errors. And, all published and public sources are properly cited with APA formatting. 5 points 3 Lamar University Fall 2023 3 rd 5-week Session
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