Although I am not a fan of change over my last few decades exploring this word
I have had to grow accustomed with change. One of the major’s changes that I
have had to endure is the way I communicate with my family, both extended
and atomic family. Prior to the pandemic my family would get together in
person to make plans for events or vacations. Now there are no plans that are
done without zoom or a FaceTime meeting. Everything is pre-scheduled and
confirmed via text, no one is speaking to each other until the time of
Although this new way of communication is much more convenient it takes
away from the personal aspect of coming together and feeling each other’s
energy and love. This change has made me so much more appreciative when I
do see my family and I cherish every moment. The hugs are a lot longer and the
conversations are more meaningful since neither of us have seen each other
since the last function and calls are almost non existing.
As far as a social media presence I no longer have one. Since the pandemic I
have no desire to be social nor create new friends. I used to go on social media
daily and post content and pictures and wait for the validation of peers with
anxiety. Who I am today couldn’t care less of being validated by individuals that
do not know me nor care for my mental state. I also see that the trend of caring
for our mental health and emotional intelligence is becoming more common and
accepted. I foresee more outlets catering to mental health and less validation in
the future.