Copy of HCR 230_ Cultural Experience Plan Worksheet



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Jun 22, 2024





Uploaded by ConstableMonkey3456

SELECT FILE AND SELECT COPY - DO NOT REQUEST EDIT ACCESS HCR 230: Cultural Experience Plan Worksheet Directions fill out this worksheet for your cultural experience - please leave all headings and directions. Answers are not required to be complete sentences, you may use bullet points, short phrases, etc. Step 1: Select a Cultural Experience A. Choose a culture that is different from your own and that is represented within your community. What is the culture you are choosing? B. A culture that is similar but very different to mine would be the Jewish Tradition. C. Identify a specific experience or activity within that culture that you would like to explore. What is the experience or activity you will complete? D. I would love to attend a synagogue meeting and see how they worship. Remember, examples may include (but are not limited to) attending a cultural festival, visiting a museum or art exhibit, trying out traditional cuisine (either at a restaurant or trying to make a dish at home), participating in a religious ceremony, or joining a cultural group or club. Step 2: Rationale A. Provide a brief explanation of why you have chosen this particular cultural experience. B. I have recently come into contact with more people of Jewish heritage that have spoken a lot to me and I want to understand them more. C. Reflect on your personal interests, curiosity, or desire to learn more about the chosen culture. 1
D. I am very religious and it has always interested me to learn about how others see the afterlife, and I would love to understand how those of Jewish heritage and traditions see the afterlife. E. Discuss how this experience aligns with your academic or personal goals and how it may contribute to your cultural understanding and growth F. This experience aligns with my academic goals because it opens up my knowledge of other cultures. Step 3: Execution of the Cultural Experience A. Describe how you will go about completing the chosen cultural experience. Include details such as the specific event, location, organization, or individual you will engage with. B. The location would be at my friends synagogue. C. Research and gather information about the experience, including any necessary preparations or considerations (e.g., dress code, reservations, entry fees, etc.). This might also include identifying any resources, materials, or tools that might be required to complete the experience successfully. Consider factors such as transportation, budget, language skills, and time availability. D. The dress code is formal, so I would most likely wear a suit and tie with nothing too flamboyant. E. Address any potential challenges or barriers that you may encounter and propose potential solutions. F. Transportation but I have a car 2
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