LEARN Reflection



Fleming College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 21, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorTitaniumBarracuda39

In this course we have learned about our role as and how to transition from PSW to the RPN role. As a PSW my main role was to observe and report. I have since learned that going forward as a RPN student, my new role will be to assess, document, analyze, make clinical decisions, use clinical thinking and communicate e ff ectively. I have always struggled with my communication skills. Entering this next phase of learning I am positive I have a long way to go and a lot more to learn. There are many things I will need to put into practice as I improve on my assessments, clinical reasoning and communication skills. I have learned that only time and practice will lead me to being an experienced nurse. There is always something new to learn and you will never know it all. New advances are being made in healthcare daily and I believe to be a great nurse you must be willing to adapt with every opportunity. In the role as RPN I must learn to be confident, creative, flexible, and remain open minded. As well as use perspective, integrity, trust my intuition and persevere. I should always be reflecting on my practice and never miss an opportunity to learn. I am very introverted and feel I may struggle with some of these tasks.
I have not had the opportunity to put my learning into practice yet, but in the past I have always been shy of afraid to speak up in di ffi cult situations. I am going to have to overcome this fear as I am no longer just ‘reporting’. Patients are going to be counting on me to advocate for them. I am responsible and will be held accountable for my practices. I am going to be the one the PSW will now look to for answers. I will have to keep in mind that I am now in a regulated profession and could be at risk for losing my licensing and all of my hard work and schooling could go down the drain if I make a mistake. When I have the chance I will focus on some of the techniques I have learned about e ff ective communication. Interprofessional communication is a fundamental component of interprofessional collaboration. E ff ective interprofessional collaboration fosters e ff ective teamwork among members of an interprofessional client care team to optimize client outcomes (Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, 2010), ensuring that clients are safe throughout the healthcare system (Canadian Nurses Association, n.d.a.). Practicing these skills will help keep my confidence up and that is what is most important for me to be able to advocate for my patients. Moving forward, I will continue to work on my communication skills. I will make sure that I am advocating for my patients and myself. I will ‘come out of my shell’ and be confident and persevere to my goal of becoming a nurse. References: Lapum, J., St-Amant, O., Hughes, M. & Garmaise-Yee, J. (2020). Inter professional communication in nursing. In Introduction to communication in nursing. https:// www.oercommons.org/courses/introduction-to-communication-in-nursing/view
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