Problem 2.2MCQ:
If the rms phasor of a voltage is given by V=12060 volts, then the corresponding v(t) is given by...Problem 2.3MCQ:
If a phasor representation of a current is given by I=70.745A, it is equivalent to a. 100e/45 b....Problem 2.10MCQ:
The average value of a double-frequency sinusoid, sin2(t+), is given by (a) 1 (b) (c) ZeroProblem 2.11MCQ:
The power factor for an inductive circuit (R-L load), in which the current lags the voltage, is said...Problem 2.12MCQ:
The power factor for a capacitive circuit (R-C load), in which the current leads the voltage, is...Problem 2.14MCQ:
The instantaneous power absorbed by the load in a single-phase ac circuit, for a general R LC load...Problem 2.16MCQ:
With generator conyention, where the current leaves the positive terminal of the circuit element, if...Problem 2.17MCQ:
Consider the load convention that is used for the RLC elements shown in Figure 2.2 of the text. A....Problem 2.20MCQ:
Consider Figure 2.9 of the text, Let the nodal equations in matrix form be given by Eq. (2.4. 1) of...Problem 2.21MCQ:
The three-phase source line-to-neutral voltages are given by Ean=100,Ebh=10+240, and Ecn=10240volts....Problem 2.22MCQ:
In a balanced three-phase Y-connected system with a positive-sequence source, the line-to-line...Problem 2.23MCQ:
In a balanced system, the phasor sum of the line-to-line voltages and the phasor sum of the...Problem 2.24MCQ:
Consider a three-phase Y-connected source feeding a balanced- load. The phasor sum of the line...Problem 2.25MCQ:
For a balanced- load supplied by a balanced positive-sequence source. the line currents into the...Problem 2.26MCQ:
A balanced -load can be converted to an equivalent balanced-Y load by dividing the -load impedance...Problem 2.27MCQ:
When working with balanced three-phase circuits, per-phase analysis is commonly done after...Problem 2.28MCQ:
The total instantaneous power delivered by a three-phase generator under balanced operating...Problem 2.29MCQ:
The total instantaneous power absorbed by a three-phase motor (under balanced steady-state...Problem 2.30MCQ:
Under balanced operating conditions, consider the three-phase complex power delivered by the...Problem 2.31MCQ:
One advantage of balanced three-phase systems over separate singlephase systems is reduced capital...Problem 2.32MCQ:
While the instantaneous electric power delivered by a single-phase generator under balanced...Problem 2.1P:
Given the complex numbers A1=630 and A2=4+j5, (a) convert A1 to rectangular form: (b) convert A2 to...Problem 2.2P:
Convert the following instantaneous currents to phasors, using cos(t) as the reference. Give your...Problem 2.3P:
The instantaneous voltage across a circuit element is v(t)=400sin(t+30)volts, and the instantaneous...Problem 2.4P:
For the single-phase circuit shown in Figure 122,I=100A. (a) Compute the phasors I1,I2, (b) Draw a...Problem 2.5P:
A 60Hz, single-phase source with V=27730 volts is applied to a circuit element. (a) Determine the...Problem 2.6P:
(a) Transform v(t)=75cos(377t15) to phasor form. Comment on whether =377 appears in your answer. (b)...Problem 2.7P:
Let a 100V sinusoidal source be connected to a series combination of a 3 resistor, an 8 inductor,...Problem 2.8P:
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 2.23 in time domain. Convert the entire circuit into phasor...Problem 2.10P:
For the circuit element of Problem 2.3, calculate (a) the instantaneous power absorbed, (b) the real...Problem 2.12P:
The voltage v(t)=359.3cos(t)volts is applied to a load consisting of a 10 resistor in parallel with...Problem 2.14P:
A single-phase source is applied to a two-terminal, passive circuit with equivalent impedance...Problem 2.15P:
Let a voltage source v(t)=4cos(t+60) be connected to an impedance Z=230. (a) Given the operating...Problem 2.16P:
A single-phase, 120V(rms),60Hz source supplies power to a series R-L circuit consisting of R=10 and...Problem 2.17P:
Consider a load impedance of Z=jwL connected to a voltage and V let the current drawn be I. (a)...Problem 2.18P:
Let a series RLC network be connected to a source voltage V, drawing a current I. (a) In terms of...Problem 2.19P:
Consider a single-phase load with an applied voltage v(t)=150cos(t+10)volts and load current...Problem 2.20P:
A circuit consists of two impedances, Z1=2030 and Z2=2560, in parallel, supplied by a source voltage...Problem 2.21P:
An industrial plant consisting primarily of induction motor loads absorbs 500 kW at 0.6 power factor...Problem 2.22P:
The real power delivered by a source to two impedances, Z1=4+j5 and Z2=10 connected in parallel, is...Problem 2.23P:
A single-phase source has a terminal voltage V=1200volts and a currentI=1530, which leaves the...Problem 2.24P:
A source supplies power to the following three loads connected in parallel: (1) a lighting load...Problem 2.25P:
Consider the series RLC circuit of Problem 2.7 and calculate the complex power absorbed by each of...Problem 2.26P:
A small manufacturing plant is located 2 km down a transmission line, which has a series reactance...Problem 2.27P:
An industrial load consisting of a bank of induction motors consumes 50 kW at a power factor of 0.8...Problem 2.28P:
Three loads are connected in parallel across a single-phase source voltage of 240V(RMS). Load 1...Problem 2.30P:
Figure 2.26 shows three loads connected in parallel across a 1000-V(RMS),60Hz single-phase source....Problem 2.31P:
Consider two interconnected voltage sources connected by a line of impedance Z=jX, as shown in...Problem 2.40P:
A balanced three-phase 240-V source supplies a balanced three-phase Load. If the line current IA is...Problem 2.42P:
A balanced -connected impedance load with (12+j9) per phase is supplied by a balanced three-phase...Problem 2.43P:
A three-phase line, which has an impedance of (2+j4) per phase, feeds two balanced three-phase loads...Problem 2.44P:
Two balanced three-phase loads that are connected in parallel are fed by a three-phase line having a...Problem 2.45P:
Two balanced Y-connected loads, one drawing 10 kW at 0.8 power factor lagging and the other IS kW at...Problem 2.46P:
Three identical impedances Z=3030 are connected in to a balanced three-phase 208-V source by three...Problem 2.47P:
Two three-phase generators supply a three-phase load through separate three-phase lines. The load...Problem 2.49P:
Figure 2.33 gives the general -Y transformation. (a) Show that the general transformation reduces...Problem 2.50P:
Consider the balanced three-phase system shown in Figure 2.34. Deter mine v1(t) and i2(t). Assume...Problem 2.51P:
A three-phase line with an impedance of (0.2+j1.0)/ phase feeds three balanced three-phase loads...Problem 2.52P:
A balanced three-phase load is connected to a 4.16-kV, three-phase, fourwire, grounded-wye dedicated...Problem ACSQ:
What is a microgrid?Problem BCSQ:
What are the benefits of microgrids?Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 2 - FundamentalsChapter 3 - Power TransformersChapter 4 - Transmission Line ParametersChapter 5 - Transmission Lines: Steady-state OperationChapter 6 - Power FlowsChapter 7 - Symmetrical FaultsChapter 8 - Symmetrical ComponentsChapter 9 - Unsymmetrical FaultsChapter 10 - System ProtectionChapter 11 - Transient Stability
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS+DESIGN-EBK >I< homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 2, Problem 2.1MCQChapter 3, Problem 3.1MCQChapter 4, Problem 4.1MCQChapter 5, Problem 5.1MCQChapter 6, Problem 6.1MCQChapter 8, Problem 8.1MCQGiven Information: VLL=345KVS3ϕ=600MVApf=0.95 laggingn1CT Ratio=1200:5nVT Ratio=3000:1 ....Given: A three-phase steam turbine-generating unit having Frequency, f=60 Hz MVA rating, S=500 MVA...
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Power System Analysis and Design
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MindTap Engineering for Glover/Overbye/Sarma's Power System Analysis and Design, 6th Edition, [Instant Access], 1 term (6 months)
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