Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Wave FunctionChapter 1.3 - ProbabilityChapter 1.4 - NormlaizationChapter 1.5 - MomentumChapter 1.6 - The Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 2 - Time-independent Schrodinger EquationChapter 2.1 - Stationary StatesChapter 2.2 - The Infinite Square WellChapter 2.3 - The Harmonic OscillatorChapter 2.4 - The Free Particle
Chapter 2.5 - The Delta-function PotentialChapter 2.6 - The Finite Square WellChapter 3 - FormalismChapter 3.1 - Hilbert SpaceChapter 3.2 - ObservablesChapter 3.3 - Eigen Functions Of A Hermitian OperatorChapter 3.4 - Generalized Statistical InterpretationChapter 3.5 - The Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 3.6 - Vectors And OperatorsChapter 4 - Quantum Mechnaics In Three DimensionsChapter 4.1 - The Schroger EquationChapter 4.2 - The Hydrogen AtomChapter 4.3 - Angular MomentumChapter 4.4 - SpinChapter 4.5 - Electromagnetic InteractionsChapter 5 - Identical ParticlesChapter 5.1 - Two-particle SystemsChapter 5.2 - AtomsChapter 5.3 - SolidsChapter 6 - Symmetric And Conservation LawsChapter 6.1 - IntroductionChapter 6.2 - The Translation OperatorChapter 6.4 - ParityChapter 6.5 - Rotational SymmetryChapter 6.6 - DegeneracyChapter 6.7 - Rotational Selection RulesChapter 6.8 - Translation In TimeChapter 7 - Time-independent Perturbation TheoryChapter 7.1 - Nondegenerate Pertubation TheoryChapter 7.2 - Degeneracy Pertubation TheoryChapter 7.3 - The Fine StructureChapter 7.4 - The Zeeman EffectChapter 7.5 - Hyperfine SplittingChapter 8 - The Variation PrincipleChapter 8.1 - TheoryChapter 8.2 - The Ground State Of HeliumChapter 8.3 - The Hydrogen Molecule IonChapter 8.4 - The Hydrogen MoleculeChapter 9 - The Wkb ApproximationChapter 9.1 - The "classical" ReagionChapter 9.2 - TunnelingChapter 9.3 - The Connection FormulasChapter 10 - ScatteringChapter 10.1 - IntroductionChapter 10.2 - Partial Wave AnalysisChapter 10.3 - Phase ShiftsChapter 10.4 - The Born ApproximationChapter 11 - Quantum DynamicsChapter 11.1 - Two-level SystemsChapter 11.3 - Spontaneous EmissionChapter 11.4 - Fermi's Golden RuleChapter 11.5 - The Adiabatic ApproximationChapter 12.1 - The Epr ParadoxChapter 12.3 - Mixed States And The Density Matrix
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Write the expansion of π π=3.141592653589793238462643 Write the expression for probability...Write the solution of classical simple harmonic oscillator. ψ(x)=Asinkx+Bcoskx (I) The time boundary...Given that the wave function is; Ψ(x,0)=(2aπ)1/4e−ax2eilx (I) Normalize the wave function....The element B can be expressed as follows, B=S11A+S12GG=1S12(B−S11A)=M21A+M22B [from...Orthonormalization for the function |ψ1〉=1 is given by,...Write the expression for the expectation value of the position....Write the general expression for the spherical harmonics Yll(θ,ϕ)....Write the expression to find χ, Equation 4.163 χ=(cos(α/2)eiγB0t/2sin(α/2)e−iγB0t/2) (I) Write the...Write the expression for Schrodinger equation for harmonic oscillator in terms of polar co-ordinates...
From Equation 4.135, the quantization of Sz is Sz|s m〉=ℏm|s m〉 Identifying the states by the value...To construct the quadruplet: Let |3232〉=|↑↑↑〉 Write the expression for lowering operator for one...Given, the separation between the two particles is r=r1−r2 (I) The position of the center of the...Each distinguishable particle can have 3 possible states. Therefore, the total number of states the...Consider 1N∑j=1Nei2πrj/N=1N∑j=1N(ei2πr/N)j=1Ne2iπr−11−ei2πr/N Since, e2iπ=1. For any integer r the...Write the expression for the momentum space wave function....Using perturbation theory, H'=e28πε0(1b−1r) (0<r<b) (I) And the energy correction is...From Equation 7.118, 〈H'〉=2Re|〈ψm0|H'|ψn0〉|2En0−Em0 The sum of the manifestly real and then the...Write the expression for the first-order correction to the ground state E01=〈ψ0|e24πε0r|ψ0〉 Solving...Given, ψ(x)=Ax(a−x) Normalize the above wave function,...The Normalization condition...Write the quantization condition for quantized energies for a potential well with two sides....Write the equation analogous to equation 10.52. (d2dx2+k2)G(x)=δ(x) (I) Write the equation analogous...Write the expression for the Schrodinger equation using the given equation 11.108....Write the expression to find the Hamiltonian matric for a spinning charge particle in a magnetic...
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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781107179868
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
2nd Edition
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Introduction To Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition) Paperback Economy Edition By. David J. Griffiths
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9789332542891
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781108103145
3rd Edition
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