Problem 1MCQ:
Which of the following is smaller than an organelle? a. An organ b. A molecule c. A cell d. A tissueProblem 2MCQ:
All of the following are characteristics of life EXCEPT a. evolution. b. reproduction. c....Problem 3MCQ:
The concentration of salts in blood remains relatively steady, regardless of a persons diet. This...Problem 4MCQ:
Because plants extract nutrients from soil and use sunlight as an energy source, they are considered...Problem 5MCQ:
Evolution through natural selection will occur most rapidly for populations of plants that a. are...Problem 7MCQ:
In an experiment to test the effect of temperature on the rate of bacterial reproduction,...Problem 8MCQ:
A scientist has just observed a new phenomenon and wonders how it happens. What is the next step in...Problem 1WIO:
Describe each of the five characteristics of life, and list several nonliving things that possess at...Problem 2WIO:
Imagine two related species of single-celled protists living together in a pond. Write the...Problem 4WIO:
Think of an analogy that will help you remember the differences between populations, communities....Problem 5WIO:
Other than the examples given in the text name an example enicreent properties from everyday life.Problem 6WIO:
Draw and explain the relationship between producers and consumers (including decomposers).Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Scientific Study Of LifeChapter 1.1 - What Is Life?Chapter 1.2 - The Tree Of Life Includes Three Main BranchesChapter 1.3 - Scientists Study The Natural WorldChapter 1.4 - Investigating Life: The Orchid And The MothChapter 2 - The Chemistry Of LifeChapter 2.1 - Atoms Make Up All MatterChapter 2.2 - Chemical Bonds Link AtomsChapter 2.3 - Water Is Essential To LifeChapter 2.4 - Cells Have An Optimum Ph
Chapter 2.5 - Cells Contain Four Major Types Of Organic MoleculesChapter 2.6 - Investigating Life: Chemical Warfare On A Tiny BattlefieldChapter 3 - CellsChapter 3.1 - Cells Are The Units Of LifeChapter 3.2 - Different Cell Types Characterize Life's Three DomainsChapter 3.3 - A Membrane Separates Each Cell From Its SurroundingsChapter 3.4 - Eukaryotic Organelles Divide LaborChapter 3.5 - The Cytoskeleton Supports Eukaryotic CellsChapter 3.6 - Cells Stick Together And Communicate With One AnotherChapter 3.7 - Investigating Life: The Tiniest CompassChapter 4 - The Energy Of LifeChapter 4.1 - All Cells Capture And Use EnergyChapter 4.2 - Networks Of Chemical Reactions Sustain LifeChapter 4.3 - Atp Is Cellular Energy CurrencyChapter 4.4 - Enzymes Speed Biochemical ReactionsChapter 4.5 - Membrane Transport May Release Energy Or Cost EnergyChapter 4.6 - Investigating Life: Energy Efficiency In An Electric FishChapter 5 - PhotosynthesisChapter 5.1 - Life Depends On PhotosynthesisChapter 5.2 - Sunlight Is The Energy Source For PhotosynthesisChapter 5.3 - Photosynthesis Occurs In Two StagesChapter 5.4 - The Light Reactions Begin PhotosynthesisChapter 5.5 - The Carbon Reactions Produce CarbohydratesChapter 5.6 - C3, C4, And Cam Plants Use Different Carbon Fixation PathwaysChapter 5.7 - Investigating Life: Solar-powered SalamandersChapter 6 - Respiration And FermentationChapter 6.1 - Cells Use Energy In Food To Make AtpChapter 6.2 - Cellular Respiration Includes Three Main ProcessesChapter 6.3 - In Eukaryotic Cells, Mitochondria Produce Most AtpChapter 6.4 - Glycolysis Breaks Down Glucose To PyruvateChapter 6.5 - Aerobic Respiration Yields Abundant AtpChapter 6.6 - How Many Atps Can One Glucose Molecule Yield?Chapter 6.7 - Other Food Molecules Enter The Energy-extracting PathwaysChapter 6.8 - Some Energy Pathways Do Not Require OxygenChapter 6.9 - Photosynthesis And Respiration Are Ancient PathwaysChapter 6.10 - Investigating Life: Hot Plants Offer Heat RewardChapter 7 - Dna Structure And Gene FunctionChapter 7.1 - Experiments Identified The Genetic MaterialChapter 7.2 - Dna Is A Double Helix Of NucleotidesChapter 7.3 - Dna Contains The "recipes" For A Cell's ProteinsChapter 7.4 - Transcription Uses A Dna Template To Build RnaChapter 7.5 - Translation Builds The ProteinChapter 7.6 - Cells Regulate Gene ExpressionChapter 7.7 - Mutations Change Dna SequencesChapter 7.8 - Investigating Life: Clues To The Origin Of LanguageChapter 8 - Dna Replication, Binary Fission, And MitosisChapter 8.1 - Cells Divide And Cells DieChapter 8.2 - Dna Replication Precedes Cell DivisionChapter 8.3 - Prokaryotes Divide By Binary FissionChapter 8.4 - Chromosomes Condense Before Cell DivisionChapter 8.5 - Mitotic Division Generates Exact Cell CopiesChapter 8.6 - Cancer Arises When Cells Divide UncontrollablyChapter 8.7 - Apoptosis Is Programmed Cell DeathChapter 8.8 - Investigating Life: Evolutionary Strategies In The Race Against CancerChapter 9 - Sexual Reproduction And MeiosisChapter 9.1 - Why Sex?Chapter 9.2 - Diploid Cells Contain Two Homologous Sets Of ChromosomesChapter 9.3 - Meiosis Is Essential In Sexual ReproductionChapter 9.4 - In Meiosis, Dna Replicates Once, But The Nucleus Divides TwiceChapter 9.5 - Meiosis Generates Enormous VariabilityChapter 9.6 - Mitosis And Meiosis Have Different Functions: A SummaryChapter 9.7 - Errors Sometimes Occur In MeiosisChapter 9.8 - Haploid Nuclei Are Packaged Into GametesChapter 9.9 - Investigating Life: Evolving Germs Select For Sex In WormsChapter 10 - Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 10.1 - Chromosomes Are Packets Of Genetic Information: A ReviewChapter 10.2 - Mendel's Experiments Uncovered Basic Laws Of InheritanceChapter 10.3 - The Two Alleles Of A Gene End Up In Different GametesChapter 10.4 - Genes On Different Chromosomes Are Inherited IndependentlyChapter 10.5 - Genes On The Same Chromosome May Be Inherited TogetherChapter 10.6 - Inheritance Patterns Are Rarely SimpleChapter 10.7 - Sex-linked Genes Have Unique Inheritance PatternsChapter 10.8 - Pedigrees Show Modes Of InheritanceChapter 10.9 - Most Traits Are Influenced By The Environment And Multiple GenesChapter 10.10 - Investigating Life: Heredity And The Hungry HordesChapter 11 - Dna TechnologyChapter 11.1 - Dna Technology Is Changing The WorldChapter 11.2 - Dna Technology's Tools Apply To Individual Genes Or Entire GenomesChapter 11.3 - Stem Cells And Cloning Add New Ways To Copy Cells And OrganismsChapter 11.4 - Many Medical Tests And Procedures Use Dna TechnologyChapter 11.5 - Investigating Life: Weeds Get A Boost From Their Transgenic CousinsChapter 12 - The Forces Of Evolutionary ChangeChapter 12.1 - Evolution Acts On PopulationsChapter 12.2 - Evolutionary Thought Has Evolved For CenturiesChapter 12.3 - Natural Selection Molds EvolutionChapter 12.4 - Evolution Is Inevitable In Real PopulationsChapter 12.5 - Natural Selection Can Shape Populations In Many WaysChapter 12.6 - Sexual Selection Directly Influences Reproductive SuccessChapter 12.7 - Evolution Occurs In Several Additional WaysChapter 12.8 - Investigating Life: Size Matters In Fishing FrenzyChapter 13 - Evidence Of EvolutionChapter 13.1 - Clues To Evolution Lie In The Earth, Body Structures, And MoleculesChapter 13.2 - Fossils Record EvolutionChapter 13.3 - Biogeography Considers Species' Geographical LocationsChapter 13.4 - Anatomical Comparisons May Reveal Common DescentChapter 13.5 - Embryonic Development Patterns Provide Evolutionary CluesChapter 13.6 - Molecules Reveal RelatednessChapter 13.7 - Investigating Life: Limbs Gained And Limbs LostChapter 14 - Speciation And ExtinctionChapter 14.1 - What Is A Species?Chapter 14.2 - Reproductive Barriers Cause Species To DivergeChapter 14.3 - Spatial Patterns Define Three Types Of SpeciationChapter 14.4 - Speciation May Be Gradual Or May Occur In BurstsChapter 14.5 - Extinction Marks The End Of The LineChapter 14.6 - Biological Classification Systems Are Based On Common DescentChapter 14.7 - Investigating Life: Plant Protection Rackets May Stimulate SpeciationChapter 15 - The Origin And History Of LifeChapter 15.1 - Life's Origin Remains MysteriousChapter 15.2 - Complex Cells And Multicellularity Arose Over A Billion Years AgoChapter 15.3 - Life's Diversity Exploded In The Past 500 Million YearsChapter 15.4 - Fossils And Dna Tell The Human Evolution StoryChapter 15.5 - Investigating Life: What Makes Us Human?Chapter 16 - VirusesChapter 16.1 - Viruses Are Genes Wrapped In A Protein CoatChapter 16.2 - Viral Replication Occurs In Five StagesChapter 16.3 - Viruses May Kill Bacteria Immediately Or Their Dna May "hide" In The CellChapter 16.4 - Illnesses Caused By Animal Viruses May Be Mild Or SevereChapter 16.5 - Viruses Cause Diseases In PlantsChapter 16.6 - Viroids And Prions Are Other Non Cellular Infectious AgentsChapter 16.7 - Investigating Life: Scientific Detectives Follow Hiv's TrailChapter 17 - Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 17.1 - Prokaryotes Are A Biological Success StoryChapter 17.2 - Prokaryote Classification Traditionally Relies On Cell Structure And MetabolismChapter 17.3 - Prokaryotes Include Two Domains With Enormous DiversityChapter 17.4 - Bacteria And Archaea Are Essential To All LifeChapter 17.5 - Investigating Life: Bacterial Evolution Goes "hog Wild" On The FarmChapter 18 - ProtistsChapter 18.1 - Protists Lie At The Crossroads Between Simple And Complex OrganismsChapter 18.2 - Algae Are Photosynthetic ProtistsChapter 18.3 - Some Heterotrophic Protists Resemble FungiChapter 18.4 - Protozoa Are Diverse Heterotrophic ProtistsChapter 18.5 - Protist Classification Is Changing RapidlyChapter 18.6 - Investigating Life: Shining A Spotlight On DangerChapter 19 - PlantsChapter 19.1 - Plants Have Changed The WorldChapter 19.2 - Bryophytes Are The Simplest PlantsChapter 19.3 - Seedless Vascular Plants Have Xylem And Phloem But No SeedsChapter 19.4 - Gymnosperms Are "naked Seed" PlantsChapter 19.5 - Angiosperms Produce Seeds In FruitsChapter 19.6 - Investigating Life: Genetic Messages From Ancient EcosystemsChapter 20 - FungiChapter 20.1 - Fungi Are Essential DecomposersChapter 20.2 - Chytridiomycetes Produce Swimming SporesChapter 20.3 - Zygomycetes Are Fast-growing And ProlificChapter 20.4 - Glomeromycetes Colonize Living Plant RootsChapter 20.5 - Ascomycetes Are The Sac FungiChapter 20.6 - Basidiomycetes Are The Familiar Club FungiChapter 20.7 - Fungi Interact With Other OrganismsChapter 20.8 - Investigating Life: The Battle For Position In Cacao Tree LeavesChapter 21 - AnimalsChapter 21.1 - Animals Live Nearly EverywhereChapter 21.2 - Sponges Are Simple Animals That Lack Differentiated TissuesChapter 21.3 - Cnidarians Are Radially Symmetrical, Aquatic AnimalsChapter 21.4 - Flatworms Have Bilateral Symmetry And Incomplete Digestive TractsChapter 21.5 - Mollusks Are Soft, Unsegmented AnimalsChapter 21.6 - Annelids Are Segmented WormsChapter 21.7 - Nematodes Are Unsegmented, Cylindrical WormsChapter 21.8 - Arthropods Have Exoskeletons And Jointed AppendagesChapter 21.9 - Echinoderm Adults Have Five-part, Radial SymmetryChapter 21.10 - Most Chordates Are VertebratesChapter 21.11 - Tunicates And Lancelets Are Invertebrate ChordatesChapter 21.12 - Hagfishes And Lampreys Are Craniates Lacking JawsChapter 21.13 - Fishes Are Aquatic Vertebrates With Jaws, Gills, And FinsChapter 21.14 - Amphibians Lead A Double Life On Land And In WaterChapter 21.15 - Reptiles Were The First Vertebrates To Thrive On Dry LandChapter 21.16 - Mammals Are Warm, Furry Milk-drinkersChapter 21.17 - Investigating Life: Sponges Fill Holes In Animal EvolutionChapter 22 - Plant Form And FunctionChapter 22.1 - Vegetative Plant Parts Include Stems, Leaves, And RootsChapter 22.2 - Plant Cells Build TissuesChapter 22.3 - Tissues Build Stems , Leaves, And RootsChapter 22.4 - Plants Have Flexible Growth Patterns, Thanks To MeristemsChapter 22.5 - Investigating Life: An Army Of Tiny WatchdogsChapter 23 - Plant Nutrition And TransportChapter 23.1 - Soil And Air Provide Water And NutrientsChapter 23.2 - Water And Minerals Are Pulled Up To Leaves In XylemChapter 23.3 - Sugars Are Pushed In Phloem To Nonphotosynthetic CellsChapter 23.4 - Parasitic Plants Tap Into Another Plant's Vascular TissueChapter 23.5 - Investigating Life: The Hidden Cost Of TrapsChapter 24 - Reproduction And Development Of Flowering PlantsChapter 24.1 - Angiosperms Reproduce Asexually And SexuallyChapter 24.2 - The Angiosperm Life Cycle Includes Flowers, Fruits, And SeedsChapter 24.3 - Plant Growth Begins With Seed GerminationChapter 24.4 - Hormones Regulate Plant Growth And DevelopmentChapter 24.5 - Light Is A Powerful Influence On Plant LifeChapter 24.6 - Plants Respond To Gravity And TouchChapter 24.7 - Plant Parts Die Or Become DormantChapter 24.8 - Investigating Life: A Red Hot Chili Pepper ParadoxChapter 25 - Animal Tissues And Organ SystemsChapter 25.1 - Specialized Cells Build Animal BodiesChapter 25.2 - Animals Consist Of Four Tissue TypesChapter 25.3 - Organ Systems Are InterconnectedChapter 25.4 - Organ System Interactions Promote HomeostasisChapter 25.5 - The Lntegumentary System Regulates Temperature And Conserves MoistureChapter 25.6 - Investigating Life: Vitamins And The Evolution Of Human Skin PigmentationChapter 26 - The Nervous SystemChapter 26.1 - The Nervous System Forms A Rapid Communication NetworkChapter 26.2 - Neurons Are Functional Units Of A Nervous SystemChapter 26.3 - Action Potentials Convey MessagesChapter 26.4 - Neurotransmitters Pass The Message From Cell To CellChapter 26.5 - The Peripheral Nervous System Consists Of Nerve Cells Outside The Central Nervous SystemChapter 26.6 - The Central Nervous System Consists Of The Spinal Cord And BrainChapter 26.7 - Investigating Life: Scorpion Stings Don't Faze Grasshopper MiceChapter 27 - The SensesChapter 27.1 - Diverse Senses Operate By The Same PrinciplesChapter 27.2 - The General Senses Detect Touch, Temperatusre, Pain, And PositionChapter 27.3 - The Senses Of Smell And Taste Detect ChemicalsChapter 27.4 - Vision Depends On Light-sensitive CellsChapter 27.5 - The Senses Of Hearing And Equilibrium Begin In The EarsChapter 27.6 - Investigating Life: How Do Whales Taste?Chapter 28 - The Endocrine SystemChapter 28.1 - The Endocrine System Uses Hormones To CommunicateChapter 28.2 - Hormones Stimulate Responses In Target CellsChapter 28.3 - The Hypothalamus And Pituitary Gland Oversee Endocrine ControlChapter 28.4 - Hormones From Many Glands Regulate MetabolismChapter 28.5 - Hormones From The Ovaries And Testes Control ReproductionChapter 28.6 - Investigating Life: Addicted To AffectionChapter 29 - The Skeletal And Muscular SystemsChapter 29.1 - Skeletons Take Many FormsChapter 29.2 - The Vertebrate Skeleton Features A Central BackboneChapter 29.3 - Bones Provide Support, Protect Internal Organs, And Supply CalciumChapter 29.4 - Muscle Movement Requires Contractile Proteins, Calcium, And AtpChapter 29.5 - Muscle Fibers Generate Atp In Many WaysChapter 29.6 - Many Muscle Fibers Combine To Form One MuscleChapter 29.7 - Investigating Life: Did A Myosin Gene Mutation Make Humans Brainier?Chapter 30 - The Circulatory SystemChapter 30.1 - Circulatory Systems Deliver Nutrients And Remove WastesChapter 30.2 - Blood Is A Complex MixtureChapter 30.3 - Blood Circulates Through The Heart And Blood VesselsChapter 30.4 - The Human Heart Is A Muscular PumpChapter 30.5 - Blood Vessels Form The Circulation PathwayChapter 30.6 - The Lymphatic System Maintains Circulation And Protects Against InfectionChapter 30.7 - Investigating Life: In (extremely) Cold BloodChapter 31 - The Respiratory SystemChapter 31.1 - Gases Diffuse Across Respiratory SurfacesChapter 31.2 - The Human Respiratory System Delivers Air To The LungsChapter 31.3 - Breathing Requires Pressure Changes In The LungsChapter 31.4 - Blood Delivers Oxygen And Removes Carbon DioxideChapter 31.5 - Investigating Life: Why Do Bugs Hold Their Breath?Chapter 32 - Digestion And NutritionChapter 32.1 - Digestive Systems Derive Nutrients From FoodChapter 32.2 - Animal Digestive Tracts Take Many FormsChapter 32.3 - The Human Digestive System Consists Of Several OrgansChapter 32.4 - A Healthy Diet Includes Essential Nutrients And The Right Number Of CaloriesChapter 32.5 - Investigating Life: The Cost Of A Sweet ToothChapter 33 - Regulation Of Temperature And Body FluidsChapter 33.1 - Animals Regulate Their Internal TemperatureChapter 33.2 - Animals Regulate Water And Ions In Body FluidsChapter 33.3 - Nitrogenous Wastes Include Ammonia, Urea, And Uric AcidChapter 33.4 - The Urinary System Produces, Stores, And Eliminates UrineChapter 33.5 - The Nephron Is The Functional Unit Of The KidneyChapter 33.6 - Investigating Life: New Clues In A Dinosaur-sized MysteryChapter 34 - The Immune SystemChapter 34.1 - Many Cells, Tissues, And Organs Defend The BodyChapter 34.2 - Innate Defenses Are Nonspecific And Act EarlyChapter 34.3 - Adaptive Immunity Defends Against Specific PathogensChapter 34.4 - Vaccines Jump-start ImmunityChapter 34.5 - Several Disorders Affect The Immune SystemChapter 34.6 - Investigating Life: The Hidden Cost Of HygieneChapter 35 - Animal Reproduction And DevelopmentChapter 35.1 - Animal Development Begins With ReproductionChapter 35.2 - Males Produce Sperm CellsChapter 35.3 - Females Produce Egg CellsChapter 35.4 - Reproductive Health Considers Contraception And DiseaseChapter 35.5 - The Human Infant Begins Life As A ZygoteChapter 35.6 - Birth Defects Have Many CausesChapter 35.7 - Investigating Life: Sexual Cannibalism And Silk RestraintsChapter 36 - Animal BehaviourChapter 36.1 - Animal Behaviors Have Proximate And Ultimate CausesChapter 36.2 - Animal Behaviors Combine Innate And Learned ComponentsChapter 36.3 - Many Behaviors Improve SurvivalChapter 36.4 - Many Behaviors Promote Reproductive SuccessChapter 36.5 - Social Behaviors Often Occur In GroupsChapter 36.6 - Investigating Life : The "cross-dressers" Of The ReefChapter 37 - PopulationsChapter 37.1 - A Population Consists Of Individuals Of One SpeciesChapter 37.2 - Births And Deaths Help Determine Population SizeChapter 37.3 - Population Growth May Be Exponential Or LogisticChapter 37.4 - Natural Selection Influences Life HistoriesChapter 37.5 - The Human Population Continues To GrowChapter 37.6 - Investigating Life: A Toxic CompromiseChapter 38 - Communities And EcosystemsChapter 38.1 - Multiple Species Interact In CommunitiesChapter 38.2 - Succession Is A Gradual Change In A CommunityChapter 38.3 - Ecosystems Require Continuous Energy InputChapter 38.4 - Chemicals Cycle Within EcosystemsChapter 38.5 - Investigating Life: Winged Migrants Sidestep ParasitesChapter 39 - BiomesChapter 39.1 - The Physical Environment Determines Where Life ExistsChapter 39.2 - Earth Has Diverse ClimatesChapter 39.3 - Terrestrial Biomes Range From The Lush Tropics To The Frozen PolesChapter 39.4 - Freshwater Biomes Include Lakes, Ponds, And StreamsChapter 39.5 - Oceans Make Up Earth's Largest EcosystemChapter 39.6 - Investigating Life: Shrinking Biomes And Shrinking WalletsChapter 40 - Preserving BiodiversityChapter 40.1 - Earth's Biodiversity Is DwindlingChapter 40.2 - Many Human Activities Destroy HabitatsChapter 40.3 - Pollution Degrades HabitatsChapter 40.4 - Global Climate Change Alters And Shifts HabitatsChapter 40.5 - Exotic Invaders And Overexploitation Devastate Many SpeciesChapter 40.6 - Some Biodiversity May Be RecoverableChapter 40.7 - Investigating Life: Up, Up, And Away
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Chapter 1, Problem 1MCQExplanation/justification for the correct answer : Option (c) 0;0;1. 1 H+ alludes typically to a...Chapter 3, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: A molecule of glucose can undergo both the glycolysis and the...Chapter 5, Problem 1MCQChapter 6, Problem 1MCQChapter 7, Problem 1MCQChapter 8, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: The sexual reproduction involves two different parents. Each of...
Chapter 10, Problem 1MCQChapter 11, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Darwin gave his idea that all of the finch groups that inhabited...Chapter 13, Problem 1MCQChapter 14, Problem 1MCQChapter 15, Problem 1MCQChapter 16, Problem 1MCQChapter 17, Problem 1MCQChapter 18, Problem 1MCQChapter 19, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: The ancestral fungus evolved into Chytridiomycetes first. Some of...Chapter 21, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Reproductive organs are those organs that take part in the process...Reason for the correct statement: Xylem is responsible for the movement of water and minerals...Reason for the correct statement: The diploid cells in plants undergo meiosis in order to produce...Chapter 25, Problem 1MCQChapter 26, Problem 1MCQChapter 27, Problem 1MCQChapter 28, Problem 1MCQExplanation/justification for the correct answer : Option (a) their ability to protect an animal...Chapter 30, Problem 1MCQReason for correct statement: Breathing is the process of exchange of gases that is inhalation of...Reason for the correct statement: The amount of energy needed to regulate each gram of body weight...Reason for the correct statement: The internal temperature regulating mechanism is not present in...Reason for the correct statement: The lymph capillaries contain colorless fluids which are rich in...Reason for the correct statement: The organisms which reproduce asexually produce identical...Reason for the correct statement: Behavior of a person depends on many factors like the interaction,...Chapter 37, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Ecological communities are those communities in which an organism...Reason for the correct statement: The primary producers are autotrophic organisms, as they use...Reason for the correct statement: The loss of biodiversity is because of the habitat destruction,...
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