Problem 1CQ:
a. Can a vector have nonzero magnitude if a component is zero? If no, why not? If yes, give an...Problem 5CQ:
For a projectile, which of the following quantities are constant during the flight: x, y, Vx, Vy, V,...Problem 6CQ:
A baseball player throws a ball at a 40 angle to the ground. The ball lands on the ground some...Problem 7CQ:
An athlete performing the long jump tries to achieve the maximum distance from the point of takeoff...Problem 8CQ:
If you kick a football, at what angle to the ground should you kick the ball for the maximum...Problem 11CQ:
If you go to a ski area, youll likely find that the beginners slope has the smallest angle. Use the...Problem 12CQ:
In an amusement-park ride, cars rolling along at high speed suddenly head up a long, straight ramp....Problem 13CQ:
There are competitions in which pilots fly small planes low over the ground and drop weights, trying...Problem 15CQ:
You are cycling around a circular track at a constant speed. Does the magnitude of your acceleration...Problem 16CQ:
An airplane has been directed to fly in a clockwise circle, as seen from above, at constant speed...Problem 17CQ:
When you go around a corner in your car, your car follows a path that is a segment of a circle. To...Problem 18CQ:
A person trying to throw a ball as far as possible will run forward during the throw. Explain why...Problem 22MCQ:
The gas pedal in a car is sometimes referred to as the accelerator. Which other controls on the...Problem 23MCQ:
A car travels at constant speed along the curved path shown from above in Figure Q3.23. Five...Problem 28MCQ:
A football is kicked at an angle of 30 with a speed of 20 m/s. To the nearest second, how long will...Problem 29MCQ:
A football is kicked at an angle of 30 with a speed of 20 m/s. To the nearest 5 m, how far will the...Problem 31MCQ:
Formula One race cars are capable of remarkable accelerations when speeding up, slowing down, and...Problem 5P:
A position vector with magnitude 10 m points to the right and up. Its x-component is 6.0 m. What is...Problem 6P:
A velocity vector 40 above the positive x-axis has a y-component of 10 m/s. What is the value of its...Problem 7P:
A cannon tilted upward at 30 fires a cannonball with a speed of 100 m/s. At that instant, what is...Problem 9P:
Draw each of the following vectors, then find its x- and y-components. a. d = (100m, 45 below +...Problem 10P:
Draw each of the following vectors, then find its x- and y-components. a. d = (2.0 km, 30 left of...Problem 11P:
Each of the following vectors is given in terms of its x- and y-components. Draw the vector, label...Problem 12P:
Each of the following vectors is given in terms of its x- and y-components. Draw the vector, label...Problem 13P:
A wildlife researcher is tracking a flock of geese. The geese fly 4.0 km due west, then turn toward...Problem 14P:
Jack and Jill ran up the hill at 3.0 m/s. The horizontal component of Jills velocity vector was 2.5...Problem 15P:
Josh is climbing up a steep 34 slope, moving at a steady 0.75 m/s along the ground. How many meters...Problem 16P:
You begin sliding down a 15 ski slope. Ignoring friction and air resistance, how fast will you be...Problem 17P:
A car traveling at 30 m/s runs out of gas while traveling up a 5.0 slope. How far will it coast...Problem 18P:
In the Soapbox Derby, young participants build non-motorized cars with very low-friction wheels....Problem 19P:
A piano has been pushed to the top of the ramp at the back of a moving van. The workers think it is...Problem 21P:
A car goes around a corner in a circular arc at constant speed. Draw a motion diagram including...Problem 27P:
A ball is thrown horizontally from a 20-m-high building with a speed of 5.0 m/s. a. Make a sketch of...Problem 28P:
A ball with a horizontal speed of 1.25 m/s rolls off a bench 1.00 m above the floor. a. How long...Problem 29P:
A pipe discharges storm water into a creek. Water flows horizontally out of the pipe at 1.5 m/s, and...Problem 30P:
A pipe discharges storm water into a creek. Water flows horizontally out of the pipe at 1.5 m/s, and...Problem 32P:
A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 50 m away. The bullet hits the target 2.0 cm below the aim...Problem 33P:
A gray kangaroo can bound across a flat stretch of ground with each jump carrying it 10 m from the...Problem 34P:
On the Apollo 14 mission to the moon, astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball with a golf club...Problem 37P:
Racing greyhounds are capable of rounding corners at very high speeds. A typical greyhound track has...Problem 38P:
To withstand g-forces of up to 10 gs, caused by suddenly pulling out of a steep dive, fighter jet...Problem 40P:
In a roundabout (or traffic circle), cars go around a 25-m-diameter circle. If a cars tires will...Problem 41P:
A particle rotates in a circle with centripetal acceleration a = 8.0 m/s2 What is a if a. The radius...Problem 42P:
Entrance and exit ramps for freeways are often circular stretches of road. As you go around one at a...Problem 43P:
A peregrine falcon in a tight, circular turn can attain a centripetal acceleration 1.5 times the...Problem 44P:
An airplane cruises at 880 km/h relative to the air. It is flying from Denver, Colorado, due west to...Problem 45P:
Anita is running to the right at 5 m/s, as shown in Figure P3.21. Balls 1 and 2 are thrown toward...Problem 47P:
Anita is running to the right at 5 m/s, as shown in Figure P3.23. Balls 1 and 2 are thrown toward...Problem 48P:
Two children who are bored while waiting for their flight at the airport decide to race from one end...Problem 49P:
A boat takes 3.0 h to travel 30 km down a river, then 5.0 h to return. How fast is the river...Problem 50GP:
A particle rotates in a circle with centripetal acceleration a = 8.0 m/s2 What is a if a. The radius...Problem 51GP:
Suppose D=AB where vector A has components Ax = 5, Ay = 2 and vector B has components Bx = 3, By =...Problem 52GP:
Suppose E = 2A+3B where vector A has components Ax = 5, Ay = 2 and vector B has components Bx = 3,...Problem 53GP:
For the three vectors shown in Figure P3.47, the vector sum D=A+B+C has components Dx = 2 and Dy =...Problem 56GP:
A pilot in a small plane encounters shifting winds. He flies 26.0 km northeast, then 45.0 km due...Problem 59GP:
A skier gliding across the snow at 3.0 m/s suddenly starts down a 10 incline, reaching a speed of 15...Problem 61GP:
A physics student on Planet Exidor throws a ball, and it follows the parabolic trajectory shown in...Problem 63GP:
In 1780, in what is now referred to as Bradys Leap, Captain Sam Brady of the U.S. Continental Army...Problem 64GP:
The longest recorded pass in an NFL game traveled 83 yards in the air from the quarterback to the...Problem 65GP:
A spring-loaded gun, fired vertically, shoots a marble 6.0 m straight up in the air. What is the...Problem 66GP:
Small-plane pilots regularly compete in message drop competitions, dropping heavy weights (for which...Problem 68GP:
Trained dolphins are capable of a vertical leap of 7.0 m straight up from the surface of the wateran...Problem 69GP:
A tennis player hits a ball 2.0 m above the ground. The ball leaves his racquet with a speed of 20...Problem 70GP:
The shot put is a track-and-field event in which athletes throw a heavy ballthe shotas far as...Problem 71GP:
Water at the top of Horseshoe Falls (part of Niagara Falls) is moving horizontally at 9.0 m/s as it...Problem 72GP:
A supply plane needs to drop a package of food to scientists working on a glacier in Greenland. The...Problem 74GP:
Ships A and B leave port together. For the next two hours, ship A travels at 20 mph in a direction...Problem 75GP:
A flock of ducks is trying to migrate south for the winter, but they keep being blown off course by...Problem 76GP:
A kayaker needs to paddle north across a 100-m-wide harbor. The tide is going out, creating a tidal...Problem 77GP:
A plane has an airspeed of 200 mph. The pilot wishes to reach a destination 600 mi due east, but a...Problem 78GP:
The Gulf Stream off the east coast of the United States can flow at a rapid 3.6 m/s to the north. A...Problem 79GP:
A ball thrown horizontally at 25 m/s travels a horizontal distance of 50 m before hitting the...Problem 80GP:
A sports car is advertised as capable of reaching 60 mph in 5 seconds flat, cornering at 0.85g, and...Problem 81GP:
A Ford Mustang can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in a time of 5.6 s. A Mini Cooper isnt capable of...Problem 82GP:
The Screaming Swing is a carnival ride that isnot surprisinglya giant swing. Its actually two swings...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Representing MotionChapter 2 - Motion In One DimensionChapter 3 - Vectors And Motion In Two DimensionsChapter 4 - Forces And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 5 - Applying Newton's LawsChapter 6 - Circular Motion, Orbits, And GravityChapter 7 - Rotational MotionChapter 8 - Equilibrium And ElasticityChapter 9 - MomentumChapter 10 - Energy And Work
Chapter 11 - Using EnergyChapter 12 - Thermal Properties Of MatterChapter 13 - FluidsChapter 14 - OscillationsChapter 15 - Traveling Waves And SoundChapter 16 - Superposition And Standing WavesChapter 17 - Wave OpticsChapter 18 - Ray OpticsChapter 19 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 20 - Electric Fields And ForcesChapter 21 - Electric PotentialChapter 22 - Current And ResistanceChapter 23 - CircuitsChapter 24 - Magnetic Fields And ForcesChapter 25 - Em Induction And Em WavesChapter 26 - Ac ElectricityChapter 27 - RelativityChapter 28 - Quantum PhysicsChapter 29 - Atoms And MoleculesChapter 30 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter P.1 - Summary Force And MotionChapter P.2 - Summary Conservation LawsChapter P.3 - Summary Properties Of MatterChapter P.4 - Summary Oscillations And WavesChapter P.5 - Summary OpticsChapter P.6 - Summary Electricity And MagnetismChapter P.7 - Summary Modern Physics
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for COLLEGE PHYSICS, VOL. 1-W/ACCESS homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1CQChapter 2, Problem 1CQChapter 3, Problem 1CQChapter 4, Problem 1CQChapter 5, Problem 1CQChapter 5, Problem 19PChapter 6, Problem 1CQChapter 7, Problem 1CQGiven data: Refer to the Figure Q8.1 in the textbook for the force that acts at the tip of the rod....
Given data: A person bowls with a 10 pound ball. The person throws the ball with a speed of 10 mph....Chapter 10, Problem 1CQChapter 11, Problem 1CQChapter 12, Problem 1CQChapter 13, Problem 1CQGiven data: Pendulum is pulled back from its position by 10°, and its restoring force is 1.0 N....Chapter 15, Problem 1CQChapter 16, Problem 1CQChapter 17, Problem 1CQExplanation: During the solar eclipse, the moon comes in between the sun and the Earth. The rays...Chapter 19, Problem 1CQChapter 20, Problem 1CQChapter 21, Problem 1CQGiven data: Refer to the Figure Q22.2 in the textbook for required data. Explanation: In the Figure...Refer to FIGURE Q23.1 in the textbook. Consider I is the total current in the circuit, R is the...Chapter 24, Problem 1CQFormula used: Consider the equation for induced current. I=εR (1) Here, ε is the emf due to motion...Chapter 26, Problem 1CQExplanation: If the case considered is that the airplane is moving with a constant velocity such...Given info: The photon energy of an x-ray beam is increasing. Explanation: Write the expression for...Explanation: Emission spectrum of the elements shows colors due to the electrons excited by...Explanation: Consider the expression for atomic mass. A=Z+N Here, Z is the number of protons and N...
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