Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780133766264
Author: Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON


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Chapter 7, Problem 3PP

Add a method bubbleSort to the class ArraySorter, as given in Listing 7.10, that performs a bubble sort of an array. The bubble sort algorithm examines all adjacent pairs of elements in the array from the beginning to the end and interchanges any two elements that are out of order Each interchange makes the array more sorted than it was, until it is entirely sorted. The algorithm in pseudocode follows:

Bubble sort algorithm to sort an array a

Repeat the following until the array a is sorted:

for (index = 0; index <a. length - 1; index++)

if (a[index] > a [index + 1])

Interchange the values of a [index] and a [index + 1].

The bubble sort algorithm usually requires more time than other sorting methods.

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Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (7th Edition)

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