Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design (4th Edition)
Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780133985078
Author: Tony Gaddis
Publisher: PEARSON


Textbook Question
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Chapter 14, Problem 12MC

When the value of an item is dependent on other data, and that item is not updated when the other data is changed, we say that the value has become _____.

  1. a. bitter
  2. b. stale
  3. c. asynchronous
  4. d. moldy
Blurred answer
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Chapter 14 Solutions

Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design (4th Edition)

Ch. 14.2 - Prob. 14.11CPCh. 14.2 - What is a constructor? When does a constructor...Ch. 14.2 - What is a default constructor?Ch. 14.3 - Prob. 14.14CPCh. 14.3 - Suppose a class has a field named description. The...Ch. 14.3 - Prob. 14.16CPCh. 14.4 - Prob. 14.17CPCh. 14.4 - What technique was described in this section for...Ch. 14.4 - What are classes responsibilities?Ch. 14.4 - Prob. 14.20CPCh. 14.5 - In this section, we discussed superclasses and...Ch. 14.5 - Prob. 14.22CPCh. 14.5 - What does a subclass inherit from its superclass?Ch. 14.5 - Look at the following pseudocode; which is the...Ch. 14.6 - Look at the following pseudocode class...Ch. 14 - Prob. 1MCCh. 14 - Prob. 2MCCh. 14 - A(n) ____ is a member of a class that holds data....Ch. 14 - The _________ specifies how a classs field or...Ch. 14 - A classs fields are commonly declared with the...Ch. 14 - Prob. 6MCCh. 14 - In many programming languages, the _____ key word...Ch. 14 - A(n) ____ method gets a value from a class's field...Ch. 14 - A(n) ____ method stores a value in a field or...Ch. 14 - A(n) ____ method is automatically called when an...Ch. 14 - A set of standard diagrams for graphically...Ch. 14 - When the value of an item is dependent on other...Ch. 14 - A classs responsibilities are _____. a. objects...Ch. 14 - In an inheritance relationship, the _____ is the...Ch. 14 - In an inheritance relationship, the _____ is the...Ch. 14 - The ___________ characteristic of object-oriented...Ch. 14 - The practice of procedural programming is centered...Ch. 14 - Object reusability has been a factor in the...Ch. 14 - It is a common practice in object-oriented...Ch. 14 - One way to find the classes needed for an...Ch. 14 - The superclass inherits fields and methods from...Ch. 14 - Polymorphism allows a class variable of the...Ch. 14 - Prob. 1SACh. 14 - Prob. 2SACh. 14 - What is the difference between a class and an...Ch. 14 - In many programming languages, what does the New...Ch. 14 - The following pseudocode statement calls an...Ch. 14 - Prob. 6SACh. 14 - What does a subclass inherit from its superclass?Ch. 14 - Look at the following pseudocode, which is the...Ch. 14 - Prob. 1AWCh. 14 - Look at this partial class definition, and then...Ch. 14 - Look at the following description of a problem...Ch. 14 - In pseudocode, write the first line of the...Ch. 14 - Look at the following pseudocode class...Ch. 14 - Pet Class Design a class named Pet, which should...Ch. 14 - Car Class Design a class named Car that has the...Ch. 14 - Personal Information Class Design a class that...Ch. 14 - Emp1oyee and ProductionWorker Classes Design an...Ch. 14 - Essay Class Design an Essay class that extends the...
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