Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (8th Edition)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (8th Edition)
8th Edition
ISBN: 9780134462035
Author: Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 12.1, Problem 7STQ
Program Plan Intro

“add” method in “ArrayList” class:

  • • “add” method is used to add the particular element at the end of the list and increases the size of lists by one.
  • • Users use the “add” method to set an element for the first time.


The example for adding string is given below:

Consider, “nameList” is an object of class “ArrayList<String>”. User can add the string “Rose” to the list “nameList” which is given below:


User can also add the string for particular index on the given list. Suppose if user want to place a string at index “6” in “nameList”. The index size starts from “0” to “7”.

nameList.add(6, "Merry");

The above code snippet is used to insert the name “Merry” at index “6”.

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Chapter 12 Solutions

Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (8th Edition)

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