Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (8th Edition)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (8th Edition)
8th Edition
ISBN: 9780134462035
Author: Walter Savitch
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 12, Problem 3E

Explanation of Solution

Creating “”:

  • Import required package.
  • Define “CharacterFrequency” class.
    • Define main function.
      • Create array for digit count using “ArrayList”.
      • Initialize the digit counts.
      • Create object for scanner class.
      • Prompt statement for telephone number.
      • Read the telephone number from user.
      • Compute the count of each character in the telephone number using “for” loop.
        • Define each character in telephone number.
        • Performs “switch” case.
          • If the digit character is “0”, then increment the count of character “0” using “set” and “get” method
          • If the digit character is “1”, then increment the count of character “1”.
          • If the digit character is “2”, then increment the count of character “2”.
          • If the digit character is “3”, then increment the count of character “3”.
          • If the digit character is “4”, then increment the count of character “4”.
          • If the digit character is “5”, then increment the count of character “5”.
          • If the digit character is “6”, then increment the count of character “6”.
          • If the digit character is “7”, then increment the count of character “7”.
          • If the digit character is “8”, then increment the count of character “8”.
          • If the digit character is “9”, then increment the count of character “9”.
        • Prompt statement for count of each digit.
        • Display the count of each digit using “for” loop.
          • Display the count by using “get” method.
        • Display count of each digit.


The below java program is used to compute the count of each digit in a telephone number using “ArrayList”.


//Import required package

import java.util.*;

//Define "CharacterFrequency" class

public class CharacterFrequency


    //Define main function

    public static void main(String[] args)


/* Create array for digit count using "ArrayList" */

ArrayList<Integer> digit_count = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        //Initialize the digit counts

        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)




        //Create object for scanner class

        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

        //Prompt statement for user

        System.out.print("Enter a telephone number: ");

        //Read the telephone number from user

        String telephoneNumber =;

/* Compute the count of each character in the telephone number */

for(int i = 0; i < telephoneNumber.length(); i++)


/* Define each character in telephone number */

Character digit = telephoneNumber.charAt(i);

            //Performs "switch" case



/* If the digit character is "0", then */

                case '0':

/* Increment the count of character '0' by using "set" and "get" method */

digit_count.set(0, digit_count.get(0)+1);


/* If the digit character is "1", then */

                case '1':

/* Increment the count of character '1' */


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