Further information on the activities of the Juice industry in 2023 is providedin table 2.1 below in millions of Eastern Caribbean dollars (ECD).Table 2.1ECD millionSubsidies 0Gross national product at market prices 300Imports 30Net national product 275Exports 30Net national product at factor cost 260Personal savings 15Personal income 225Government transfer payments 5Undistributed corporate profits 20Government expenditure on commodities 40Personal consumption 160Using the following Global-Land 2022 data in table 2.1 provide Estimates of the Following KeyNational Accounting Aggregates: (30 marks)(1 mark each for the formula, 4 marks each for the working and the solution)i. Personal disposable incomeii. Indirect taxesiii. Net investmentiv. Depreciation
Further information on the activities of the Juice industry in 2023 is provided
in table 2.1 below in millions of Eastern Caribbean dollars (ECD).
Table 2.1
ECD million
Subsidies 0
Gross national product at market prices 300
Imports 30
Net national product 275
Exports 30
Net national product at factor cost 260
Personal savings 15
Personal income 225
Government transfer payments 5
Undistributed corporate profits 20
Government expenditure on commodities 40
Personal consumption 160
Using the following Global-Land 2022 data in table 2.1 provide Estimates of the Following Key
National Accounting Aggregates: (30 marks)
(1 mark each for the formula, 4 marks each for the working and the solution)
i. Personal disposable income
ii. Indirect taxes
iii. Net investment

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