DLSU 40,000 (COB 5,000; CCS 15%; CLA 20%; COL 5% and others) Average price per computer device Php25,000 Average price per Apple device Php30,000 Among them, 40% of students of COB, 50% of CLA, and 80% of COL owns at least one Apple device. Compare the brand penetration of Apple in the above colleges. What is the penetration share of Apple in the above colleges.
Customary Pricing
There are various types of pricing strategies followed in the market. They are psychological pricing, odd pricing, free onboard pricing, customary pricing, prestige pricing, dual pricing, ruling pricing, negotiated pricing, mark up pricing, etc. each one can be explained as follows:
Multiple Unit Pricing
“Multiple-unit pricing is a practice where a company offers consumers a lower than unit price if a specified number of units are purchased.”
DLSU 40,000 (COB 5,000; CCS 15%; CLA 20%; COL 5% and others) Average price per computer device Php25,000
Average price per Apple device Php30,000
Among them, 40% of students of COB, 50% of CLA, and 80% of COL owns at least one Apple device.
Compare the brand penetration of Apple in the above colleges. What is the penetration share of Apple in the above colleges.
Given that students replace their Apple devices once every 3 years on average, what is the market size (units/revenues) for computer devices for these colleges until the end of 2025?
What is the concentration of sales/revenue of Apple devices among the colleges (BDI)?
Compare the CDI and BDI of the colleges. Insights?

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