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Genetic Variation
Genetic variation refers to the variation in the genome sequences between individual organisms of a species. Individual differences or population differences can both be referred to as genetic variations. It is primarily caused by mutation, but other factors such as genetic drift and sexual reproduction also play a major role.
Quantitative Genetics
Quantitative genetics is the part of genetics that deals with the continuous trait, where the expression of various genes influences the phenotypes. Thus genes are expressed together to produce a trait with continuous variability. This is unlike the classical traits or qualitative traits, where each trait is controlled by the expression of a single or very few genes to produce a discontinuous variation.
the topic is Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Breast Cancer Using RNA-Seq
write a method section of a scientific report for this topic.
including the use of excel to get these result( will be included in the images) and also this website https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE216238

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