FREE Answers for Conceptual Physics C2009 Guided Reading & Study Workbook Se
Problem 2A:
What is the period of a pendulum that takes one second to make a complete back-and-forth vibration?Problem 3A:
Suppose that a pendulum has a period of 1.5 seconds. How long does it take to make a complete...Problem 4A:
Is a pendulum with a 1.5-second period longer or shorter in length than a pendulum with a 1-second...Problem 5A:
How is a sine curve related to a wave?Problem 6A:
Distinguish among these different parts of a wave: amplitude, crest, trough, and wavelength.Problem 7A:
Distinguish between the period and the frequency of a vibration or a wave. How do they relate to one...Problem 8A:
Does the medium in which a wave travels move along with the wave itself? Defend your answer.Problem 10A:
As the frequency of sound is increased, does the wavelength increase or decrease? Give an example.Problem 14A:
What causes a standing wave?Problem 15A:
When a wave source moves toward a receiver, does the receiver encounter an increase in wave...Problem 17A:
Compared with the speed of water waves how fast must a bug swim to keep up with the waves it...Problem 18A:
Distinguish a bow wave from a shock wave.Problem 20A:
If you encounter a sonic boom, is that evidence that an aircraft just exceeded the speed of sound to...Problem 21A:
A fire engines siren emits a certain frequency. Rank from greatest to least the apparent frequency...Problem 22A:
Shown below are four different pairs of transverse wave pukes that move toward each other. At some...Problem 23A:
All the waves below have the same speed in the same medium. Use a ruler and rank these waves from...Problem 24A:
The four sets of waves below are a top view of circular wave patterns made by a bug jiggling on the...Problem 25A:
The shock waves depicted below are produced by supersonic aircraft. Rank them from greatest to least...Problem 26A:
A nurse counts 76 heartbeats in one minute. What are the period and frequency of the hearts...Problem 27A:
New Yorks 300-m high Citicorp® Tower oscillates in the wind with a period of 6.80 Calculate its...Problem 28A:
Calculate the speed of waves in a puddle that are 0.15 m apart and made by tapping the water surface...Problem 29A:
Calculate the speed of waves in water that are 0.4 m apart and have a frequency of 2 Hz.Problem 31A:
Does the period of a pendulum depend of the mass of the bob? On the length of the string?Problem 32A:
If a pendulum is shortened, does the frequency increase or decrease? What about its period?Problem 33A:
Carmelita swings to and fro in a sitting position on a playground swing. William says that if she...Problem 34A:
You dip your finger repeatedly into a puddle of water and make waves. What happens to the wavelength...Problem 36A:
How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare to the number of...Problem 40A:
If a wave vibrates up and down twice each second and travels a distance of 20 m each second, what is...Problem 41A:
The wave patterns seen in Figure 25.6 are composed of circles. What does this tell you about the...Problem 42A:
Sound from Source A has a frequency twice as great as the frequency of sound from Source B. Compare...Problem 43A:
What kind of motion should you impart to a stretched coiled spring to produce a transverse wave? A...Problem 44A:
Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due...Problem 45A:
In the Doppler effect, does frequency change? Does wavelength change? Does wave speed change?Problem 46A:
Can the Doppler effect be observed with longitudinal waves, with transverse waves, or with both?Problem 48A:
When a driver blows his horn while approaching a stationary listener, the listener hears an increase...Problem 49A:
Astronomers find that light coming from point A at the edge of the sun has a slightly higher...Problem 51A:
Whenever you watch a high-flying aircraft overhead, it seems that its sound comes from behind the...Problem 52A:
How does the angle of the V shape of a bow wave depend on the speed of the wave source?Problem 53A:
Why is it that a subsonic aircraft, no matter how loud it may be, cannot produce a sonic boom?Problem 54A:
True or false: A sonic boom occurs only when an aircraft is breaking through the sound barrier....Problem 56A:
The period of a simple pendulum is given by T=2Lg, where g is the acceleration of gravity and L is...Problem 57A:
Maria shows her friends a simple 31 -cm-long pendulum. Her teacher, looking on, asks if she can...Problem 58A:
The Foucault pendulum in the rotunda of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles has a 110-kg brass...Problem 59A:
You are looking through your grandparents' window and notice a hummingbird feeder hanging by a rope....Problem 60A:
For your science fair project you decide to make a simple pendulum for a grandfather clock, such...Problem 62A:
A design engineer figures that a proposed new skyscraper will swing to and fro in strong winds at a...Problem 63A:
In lab you strike a tuning fork that has a frequency of 340 Hz. For a speed of sound of 340 m/s, how...Problem 64A:
If a wave vibrates back and forth three times each second, and its wavelength is 2 meters, what is...Problem 65A:
While watching ocean waves at the dock of the bay, Otis notices that 10 waves pass beneath him in 30...Problem 66A:
The crests on a long surface water wave are 20 m apart, and in 1 minute 10 crests pass by. What is...Problem 67A:
Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per...Problem 68A:
The wavelength of red light is about 700 nanometers, or 7107m. The frequency of the red light...New
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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - About ScienceChapter 2 - Mechanical EquilibriumChapter 3 - Newton's First Law Of Motion-interiaChapter 4 - Linear MotionChapter 5 - Projectile MotionChapter 6 - Newton's Second Law Of Motion-force And AccelerationChapter 7 - Newton's Third Law Of Motion- Action And ReactionChapter 8 - MomentumChapter 9 - EnergyChapter 10 - Circular Motion
Chapter 11 - Rotational EquilibriumChapter 12 - Rotational MotionChapter 13 - Universal GravitationChapter 14 - Satellite MotionChapter 15 - Special Relativity-space And TimeChapter 16 - Relativity-momentum, Mass, Energy, And GravityChapter 17 - The Atomic Nature Of MatterChapter 18 - SolidsChapter 19 - LiquidsChapter 20 - GasesChapter 21 - Temerpature Heat, And ExpansionChapter 22 - Heat TranferChapter 23 - Change Of PhaseChapter 24 - ThermodynamicsChapter 25 - Vibrations And WavesChapter 26 - SoundChapter 27 - LightChapter 28 - ColorChapter 29 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 30 - LensesChapter 31 - Diffractioon And InterferenceChapter 32 - ElectrostaticsChapter 33 - Electric Fileds And PotentialChapter 34 - Electric CurrentChapter 35 - Electric CircuitsChapter 36 - MagnetismChapter 37 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 38 - The Atom And The QuantumChapter 39 - The Atomic Nucleus And RadioactivityChapter 40 - Nuclear Fission And Fusion
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