Nina Agwu
Brother Mark Richins
New Testament – REL 211
February 28, 2024
W08 Directed Study Prompt – Instructions
Prepare by first completing this week's assigned readings.
Matthew 19 - 20
Mark 10
Luke 15 - 18
John 11
Identify three principles from this week's scripture readings that are most powerful to you.
these principles in a separate document, along with the reference(s) to the scripture(s) that teach these principles. You will be graded on your ability to identify significant principles in the reading.
Your submission should look something like this.
If you judge another, then you condemn yourself. Romans 2:1
One person can have a great impact on many. Romans 5:19
Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:39
Principle #1: Being rich in the spirit and the gospel of Christ is greater than any world riches man
can ever want. A wealthy young man approaches Jesus and inquiries about how to receive eternal life. In response, Jesus challenges him to sell his belongings and give to the needy, emphasizing how hard it is for the wealthy to get into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:16–20
Principle #2: Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a true disciple of Christ requires you to make sacrifices. Peter asks Jesus what the disciples would get for following Him. Jesus tells them that those who have given up all to follow Him will get great rewards in this world as well as the next. Matthew 19:27–30
Principle #3: No one can serv two masters and be faithful to both. You cannot serve God and me a person who worries too much in worldly manners. Be careful of temptations that come from false Gods. Luke 16:13