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PSY7710 - Jul 10 2023 to Sep 15 2023 - Sec ! Quizzes Week 8 Quiz ! Due Sep 3 at 11:59pm Points 20 Ques ! ons 25 Time Limit None Instruc ! ons A " empt History A " empt Time Score LATEST A " empt 1 3 minutes 18.4 out of 20 " Answers will be shown a # er your last a " empt Score for this a " empt: 18.4 out of 20 Submi " ed Aug 30 at 8:04pm This a " empt took 3 minutes. Week 8 Quiz This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) from this week. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objec ! ves and the following course competency: Competency 1: Analyze ethical responsibili ! es to colleagues and to the profession. Please carefully read the following instruc ! ons before beginning the quiz: You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday 11:59 p.m. Central ! me. Do not start the quiz un ! l you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all of this week's study ac ! vi ! es must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dic ! onary is permi " ed to check spelling; however, a glossary is not permi " ed. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz. There is no ! me limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes. You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three a " empts. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz a " empt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade. Click the linked quiz ! tle to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor. Take the Quiz Again 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 1 It is unethical to turn a blind eye to those: Prac ! cing verbal behavior. Prac ! cing tai chi. Claiming to be BCBAs when they are not. None of the above. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 2 Incorrect Incorrect A behavior analyst is working on ge $ ng published on decreasing scrip ! ng behavior. They include all but one week of data in their research, as the omi " ed week has confounding variables that are di cult to explain. Is this an ethical viola ! on? No. If the data is variable due to confounds, it is not accurate. Only report accurate informa ! on. Yes. Behavior analysts do not omit data which may alter interpreta ! on of progress or results. No. It would only be an ethical viola ! on if they included made-up data. Yes. It is okay to omit the data, but the behavior analyst is unethical due to the fact they do not know how to eliminate confounding variables. Incorrect. Confounding variables o # en occur since we work with human popula ! ons, but that does not make the behavior analyst unethical. Please also note that all data should be included when publishing research, but it may be appropriate to make notes about confounding variables. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 3 What does the Disciplinary Review Commi " ee do? Reviews severe code viola ! ons. Reviews less severe complaints. Dispenses disciplinary sanc ! ons. Both the first and third answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 4 It is the responsibility of every behavior analyst to know and understand the content that is covered in _________. The Diagnos ! c and Sta ! s ! cal Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Verbal Behavior by B. F. Skinner. Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts . None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 5 Competence in a par ! cular area can be determined by: A " ending a one-day seminar. The level of training or supervision a behavior analyst has had in a specific area. Obtaining a minimum number of con ! nuing educa ! on credits. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 6 What is the maximum number of supervisees a supervisor can take on? 5. 10. 15. No exact number. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 7 The BACB requires ongoing evalua ! on of the ______________ of supervision. E ff ort. E ff ects. Essen ! als. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 8 Supervisor qualifica ! ons include: Creden ! als. Training. BACB repor ! ng. All of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 9 BCaBA supervision is required a minimum of ________ per month. Once. Twice. Four ! mes. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 10 What is a situa ! on in which the BACB might recommend working to resolve an issue directly with the party or par ! es involved, rather than immediately repor ! ng the ethical viola ! on to the BACB? When someone has shared ques ! ons to the BCBA exam. When an employee has been misrepresen ! ng themselves as a BCBA. When a BCBA has plagiarized behavior plans from a coworker. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 11 What must be submi " ed to the BACB to prove completed supervision hours to apply for the BCBA exam? Signed BACB Experience Supervision forms. Signed Supervision Contract. Signed BACB Experience Verifica ! on Forms. All of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 12 What is the maximum number of hours one may accrue per month for supervision hours? 100. 120. 130. 140. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 13 What is the minimum number of hours one may accrue per month for supervision hours? 10. 20. 30. 40. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 14 In supervised independent site-based experience, what is the minimum amount of ! me one must meet with their supervisor in a supervisory period? 3% of total hours. 5% of total hours. 7.5% of total hours. 10% of total hours. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 15 Which of the following statements is true in regard to BACB experience standards? Supervisees may only have one supervisor at a ! me. Only up to 25% of total hours supervised may be group supervision hours. Supervisees may not start accumula ! ng experience hours un ! l they have started behavior analy ! c coursework. Once supervisees have begun coursework, they may conduct assessments independently. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 16 How might a candidate for a job in the field of ABA promote themselves prior to cer ! fica ! on? BCaBA or BCBA candidate. Working toward na ! onal cer ! fica ! on. ABA cer ! fica ! on pending. All of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 17 Which of the following are sanc ! ons the BACB may issue due to an ethical viola ! on? Denials of ini ! al cer ! fica ! on. Denials of renewal or recer ! fica ! on. Revoca ! on, suspension, or any other limita ! ons of cer ! fica ! on or combina ! on of sanc ! ons. All of the above. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 18 Incorrect Incorrect What are some rights of a par ! cipant involved in a research study? The par ! cipant should be listed as a co-author for their contribu ! ons. The par ! cipant may remove themselves from the study during the final days of research. The par ! cipant may eat snacks throughout the research sessions. Incorrect. While this may occur, a be " er answer choice is present. The par ! cipant may share the results of their par ! cipa ! on at any ! me. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 19 The BACB expects repor ! ng and upda ! ng of informa ! on to be provided to the BACB within how many days or months? 30 days. 60 days. 90 days. 6 months. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 20 Behavior analysts are expressly prohibited from disclosing the content of any BACB examina ! on materials. True. False. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 21 Only a BCBA-D can conduct research. True False Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 22 What must a BCBA ensure prior to beginning supervisory services to someone seeking BCBA supervision? Su cient competence in their area of work. Comple ! on of the Experience Standards Training Module. Comple ! on of eight hours of supervision training. All of the above. Both the first and third answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 23 Which of the following is not true of the BACB experience standards? The start and end dates of experience may not be more than seven years apart. Experience hours do not count unless the supervising BCBA has passed an 8-hour, competency-based training covering the BACB's Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline. The supervisee may work on designing and implemen ! ng behavior change programs. Experience hours may be accrued once behavior-analy ! c coursework has begun. Correct. The ! meframe of the experience may not exceed five con ! nuous years (for example, May 2015 to May 2020). 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 24 Which of the following is not true regarding the RBT training and cer ! fica ! on? A high school diploma or equivalent is required for the RBT cer ! fica ! on. Anyone with su cient competency in ABA may provide the 40-hour training to meet training standards for the RBT cer ! fica ! on. Applicants must take and pass the RBT exam. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 25 Which of the following does not belong? Assessing behavior. Behavior analysts and the behavior-change program. Public statements. Diagnosing clients. Correct. Quiz Score: 18.4 out of 20 # Previous Week 8 Discussion: Con ! nue Your Conversa ! on $ Next Next Module: Week 9 Last A " empt Details: Time: 3 minutes Current Score: 18.4 out of 20 Kept Score: 18.4 out of 20 2 More A " empts available Take the Quiz Again (Will keep the average of all your scores) 5 Summer 2023 Home Announcements Vitalsource Bookshelf Reading List Assignments Yellowdig Grades Files Microso # Tools ePor olio Media Gallery Account Dashboard Courses Calendar Inbox History My Media Library Help WalkMe Chat
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