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PSY7710 - Jul 10 2023 to Sep 15 2023 - Sec ! Quizzes Week 5 Quiz ! Due Aug 13 at 11:59pm Points 20 Ques ! ons 25 Time Limit None Instruc ! ons A " empt History A " empt Time Score LATEST A " empt 1 6 minutes 18.4 out of 20 " Answers will be shown a # er your last a " empt Score for this a " empt: 18.4 out of 20 Submi " ed Aug 13 at 8:46pm This a " empt took 6 minutes. Week 5 Quiz This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) from this week. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objec ! ves and the following course competencies: Competency 1: Analyze ethical responsibili ! es to colleagues and to the profession. Competency 3: Evaluate assessment and interven ! on methods using the BACB ethical code. Please carefully read the following instruc ! ons before beginning the quiz: You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday 11:59 p.m. Central ! me. Do not start the quiz un ! l you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all of this week's study ac ! vi ! es must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dic ! onary is permi " ed to check spelling; however, a glossary is not permi " ed. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz. There is no ! me limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes. You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three a " empts. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz a " empt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade. Click the linked quiz ! tle to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor. Take the Quiz Again 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 1 BACB ethics code 3.01 (BACB, 2020) addresses the behavior analyst's responsibility to operate in the best interest of clients. In the 1970s a famous legal case, Wya " versus S ! ckney, resulted in the development of what became known as the Wya " Standards. The standards were forerunners to BACB ethics code 3.01 since they required that: Services had to be delivered in humane, least restric ! ve environments. There had to be su cient qualified sta ff members to deliver services. Individualized treatment plans were required. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 2 When accep ! ng clients, the behavior analyst should: Acknowledge limita ! ons of their exper ! se based on prior educa ! on, training, and experience. Seek consulta ! on with an expert if there are ques ! ons or concerns about the behavioral assessment, interven ! on, or related issues. Obtain supervision or refer the case to another behavior analyst when exper ! se is limited. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 3 Which of the following is most likely to be exempt from BACB ethical requirements for confiden ! ally maintaining records? Hand-wri " en notes are temporarily taped or posted to a client's folder or clipboard. The notes include the client's name. Audio recordings of notes intended for transcrip ! on into a client's record the next morning. The notes include the client's name. A func ! onal assessment report emailed to the behavior analyst's supervisor. In the report, the client's name is redacted, but her target behaviors, age, physical descrip ! on, residen ! al address, and school assignment are included. None of the records in the other answers are exempt. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 4 Which of the following is most likely to be a viola ! on of BACB ethics code 3.01: Behavior Analysts' Responsibility to Clients (BACB, 2020)? Jerry, a behavior analyst, had a new client, Gino. Before Jerry scheduled his first consulta ! on visit to Gino's home, he discussed his client's right to confiden ! ality with both Gino and his parents, since Gino was a teenager. He also explained that he is required to share some types of informa ! on (for example, if he were told about abusive treatment of Gino, or if he learned about any behavior that risked injury to someone). During his third consulta ! on visit to the home, behavior analyst Jerry observed the teenage client Gino engage in some behaviors that caused minor property destruc ! on, specifically tearing his clothing and towels. That evening, Jerry decided to send an email to the school's behavior interven ! on team, since he believed they would want to know about this behavior. During his first consulta ! on visit, behavior analyst Jerry had the teenage client Gino and his parents sign a permission form to share data about his self-injurious behavior with the behavior interven ! on team at Gino's school. Jerry also had the parents sign an agreement regarding fees, billing, payment, and terms for service termina ! on. During his first consulta ! on visit, behavior analyst Jerry explained to the teenage client Gino and his parents their rights and the related procedures for filing a complaint about his professional prac ! ces with the BACB. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 5 Which of the following is most likely to be a viola ! on of BACB ethics code 3.01: Behavior Analysts' Responsibility to Clients (BACB, 2020)? The behavior analyst Amanda learned that her client's parents were considering a formal complaint to the Department of Educa ! on regarding the behavioral services that were being provided at the client's school. Amanda took great care to organize all of her raw data forms, graphs, assessments, and interven ! on documents, in case they might be required during the complaint process. The behavior analyst Amanda learned that her client's parents had filed a formal complaint to the Department of Educa ! on about the behavioral services that were being provided at the client's school. Amanda began conduc ! ng more frequent direct observa ! ons and measures of the client's behaviors, rather than relying primarily on data gathered by the parents in the home and community, and data gathered by the teachers at the school. The behavior analyst Amanda assisted her client's parents and the educators at the client's school to coopera ! vely develop and approve a behavioral interven ! on plan for her client. Amanda was proud of this accomplishment and the posi ! ve behavioral outcomes. Unbeknownst to the parents and school, Amanda later presented this as a case study in a state conference of behavior analysts. All of the other answers appear to be examples of acceptable conduct per BACB ethics code 3.01. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 6 When sta ! ng judgments or predic ! ons about the behaviors of clients, the behavior analyst: Should be cau ! ous and tenta ! ve and rely upon the data. Should express confidence in their statements. Should not discuss limits to the certainty with which statements can be made. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 7 Which of the following is most likely to be a viola ! on of BACB ethics codes regarding proper assessment? The behavior analyst Yolanda wanted addi ! onal observa ! ons completed before she wrote the client's func ! onal behavioral assessment report. Since Yolanda would be unavailable for several days, she asked the school psychologist if she would conduct some observa ! ons. The school psychologist agreed to do so, saying she would fill out some standardized behavior ra ! ng scales or checklists. Yolanda expressed her apprecia ! on and said this informa ! on would be very useful in the report. The behavior analyst Yolanda determined that a func ! onal behavior assessment was warranted for a student in one of the schools where Yolanda worked as a consultant. The school psychologist told Yolanda that a previous assessment was available in the student's cumula ! ve record and that she could save lots of ! me by assuming that the parents' consent was s ! ll in place. Yolanda insisted that it would be necessary to get wri " en parent approval for the new assessment. The behavior analyst Yolanda met with the referred student's parents to explain the purpose of the func ! onal behavior assessment, to review and discuss a jargon- free checklist of the specific assessment procedures that would be used, and to describe how the results would be used to develop an e ff ec ! ve behavior change program. Before implemen ! ng the behavior change program, the behavior analyst Yolanda met with the referred student's parents to review program objec ! ves, specific procedures that would be used (with risk-benefit analysis), plus criteria and methods for program modifica ! on and consent, program termina ! on, and program withdrawal. Yolanda asked for the parents' wri " en signatures to show approval of the behavior change program. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 8 When preparing a behavior change program, BACB ethics code 2.16 (BACB, 2020) requires the behavior analyst to consider environmental condi ! ons related to the program. Which of the following are related to this task? Describe to the client or client-surrogate the environmental condi ! ons needed for program success. Describe to the client or client-surrogate the environmental condi ! ons that preclude program implementa ! on and recommend referrals to appropriate professionals. Work with appropriate professionals to address any constraints (such as coordinate consulta ! ons, plan training and monitoring to support procedure fidelity, and access resources and funding). This may require describing the constraints and necessary ac ! ons in wri ! ng. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 9 The behavior analyst designed a data collec ! on procedure to frequently evaluate the young clients progress and determine if changes to the behavior change program were necessary to ensure success. Which of the following is most likely to be a viola ! on of BACB ethics codes related to behavior-change programs? The behavior analyst trained the client's parents to record a daily tally count of the target behavior in the morning, a # ernoon, and evening before bed ! me. In addi ! on to data collected by the parents, the behavior analyst observed twice weekly and recorded data to assess the client's progress, determine the reliability of the parent's data, and give related feedback to the parents. The behavior analyst graphed the client's data and shared it with the parents during weekly progress review mee ! ngs. Instead of bothering the parents with a data recording procedure, the behavior analyst asked the young client to grade his weekly progress (for example, A, B, C, D, or F). Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 10 It may be di cult to determine the prerequisite competence of parents, caretakers, teachers, paraprofessionals, or other personnel who will have some responsibility for implemen ! ng the behavior change program and recording data. A college degree is no guarantee of proficiency. Which is true about the training responsibility of the behavior analyst? The behavior analyst must consider the complexity of the interven ! on and data recording procedures. The behavior analyst may need to be solely responsible for sophis ! cated procedures. If in doubt, the behavior analyst should assume that personnel have li " le or no proficiency and relevant, high-quality training should be delivered. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 11 By the 1980s, behavior analysis had become a more widely accepted treatment approach. Behavior analysts and other members of the client's habilita ! on team had to take care that the client's rights were fully protected. For example, when the behavior analyst was hired by a third party to treat the client, it became essen ! al to clarify the nature of the behavior analyst's specific responsibili ! es and their rela ! onship with all involved par ! es and to assure there were no ________ of interest. Conflicts. Circumstances. Comments. Consequences. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 12 In the late 1980s, the Associa ! on for Behavior Analysis (ABA) agreed upon its formal statement suppor ! ng the client's right to a therapeu ! c environment, protec ! ons of personal welfare, and treatment by a competent behavior analyst. The ABA also wrote that the client had the right to the most ____________ treatments available. Easy. E ff ec ! ve. Encouraging. None of these. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 13 All ethical behavior analysts must be sensi ! ve to the possibility that referred problem behaviors may be a result of medica ! on side e ff ects or some ________ cause. In such cases, a consulta ! on with a medical professional may be necessary. Such consulta ! ons are also necessary when the referred problem behavior could cause physical harm to the individual. Beneficial. Behavioral. Believable. Biological. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 14 The BACB ethics codes address the assessment of behavior. A # er receiving a referral, Bailey and Burch (2020) recommend that the behavior analyst visit the se & ng where the behavior occurs, determine the measurability of the problem behavior, obtain measures of the problem behavior prior to interven ! on, directly observe pa " erns of problem behavior occurrence (and non- occurrence), and consider if the referral is legi ! mate and warrants treatment. These ac ! vi ! es are preferred by behavior analysts, rather than relying upon informants who are untrained and may be biased. Bailey and Burch describe the above ac ! vi ! es as collec ! ng _____________ data. Baseline. Interven ! on. Frequency. All of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 15 According to ethics code 3.03 (BACB, 2020), a behavior analyst may only accept clients within their iden ! fied ________. Culture. Scope of competence. Na ! onal origin. Insurance authoriza ! on. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 16 Incorrect Incorrect What is considered appropriate consulta ! on for our field? Referral to another evidence-based field compa ! ble with behavior analysis. Discussing a di cult case with a more experienced BCBA. Looking to research studies for interven ! on ideas. All of the above. Incorrect. Some of the answers here are not correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 17 What protocol(s) should be followed in responsible, accountable behavioral treatment? Using least restric ! ve procedures. Using cu & ng-edge interven ! ons. U ! lizing restraint procedures whenever the client is engaging in self-injurious behavior. Both the second and third answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 18 Per code 2.01 (BACB, 2020), behavior analysts must design behavior-change programs that are _____ with behavior-analy ! c principles. Consistent. Flexible. Working. Incompa ! ble. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 19 When is termina ! on of behavioral services ethically appropriate? Termina ! on of services is appropriate when the client has met all goals laid out in the treatment plan. Termina ! on of services is appropriate when the client no longer wishes to con ! nue with behavior analy ! c services. Termina ! on of services is appropriate when the behavior analyst no longer believes the case to be behavioral in nature. All of the above are ethical reasons for termina ! on of behavioral services. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 20 Which of the following is not a dimension of applied behavior analysis? Conceptual consistency. Reinforcement. Technological. Generaliza ! on. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 21 What type of training is most e ff ec ! ve when teaching sta ff how to implement a new behavior interven ! on plan? Behavior skills training. Least to most promp ! ng. Most to least promp ! ng. Having a mee ! ng to discuss the new behavior interven ! on plan. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 22 A child receiving behavior analy ! c services is mee ! ng goals and doing well. The family wants to con ! nue ABA services as long as funding is approved, because their child is doing so well. What is the most ethical approach? Con ! nue services as the parents wish, as long as funding allows. The BCBA can always find something to work on. Discuss a transi ! on plan for less restric ! ve services, as the behavior analy ! c goals have been met, and the child could do well in a less restric ! ve environment. Stop services as soon as the last goal is met, and move onto the next client. Tell the funding source that goals have been met and to stop funding so the parents have no choice but to discon ! nue services. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 23 Why is it important to involve clients in the planning and consent of behavior change programs? Behavior analysts are not required to involve clients in planning and consent for behavior change programs, as clients do not know the technical terms involved. To allow for more specific informa ! on to be considered for a successful behavior change program. This aids with buy-in, which is important for consistent implementa ! on of behavior change programs. Both the second and third answers are correct. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 24 Incorrect Incorrect When hired by a third-party service agency, the behavior analyst needs to remember the following: The agency who hired them calls the shots. Consent given to the agency by the client covers any and all services provided. The behavior analyst needs to keep all par ! es appropriately informed. Both the second and third answers are correct. Incorrect. One or more of these answers is incorrect. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 25 Behavior analysts' ______________ is to all par ! es a ff ected by behavior-analy ! c services. Financial expecta ! on. Responsibility. Last A " empt Details: Time: 6 minutes Current Score: 18.4 out of 20 Kept Score: 18.4 out of 20 2 More A " empts available Take the Quiz Again (Will keep the average of all your scores) 5 Summer 2023 Home Announcements Vitalsource Bookshelf Reading List Assignments Yellowdig Grades Files Microso # Tools ePor olio Media Gallery Account Dashboard Courses Calendar Inbox History My Media Library Help
Responsibility. Res ! tu ! on. None of the above. Correct. Quiz Score: 18.4 out of 20 # Previous Week 5 Discussion: Con ! nue Your Conversa ! on $ Next Next Module: Week 6 WalkMe Chat
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