I enjoyed reading your post, I also felt afraid at first to ask questions. I feared that it may show a weakness in front of other skilled nurses. I needed to remember that everyone at some point was in our shoes when they first started out. Almost all of us learned though trial and error, it was learning through
those tough times that we made it out the other end a stronger nurse. Walden University Writing Center
(2018), states that critical thinkers ask questions and investigate further in background before they formulate their answer. If you don’t asks questions you will not be able to understand the reasoning behind why things are being done. When you do something wrong, learn from the mistakes, that is how one grows into a better practitioner. Walden University (2018), also states to not take information at face value. I take this as when doctors put in new orders, I always question to see if it makes sense. If I do not do this, a patient may be incorrectly treated with a medication and suffer poor outcomes. I hope to develop my critical thinking abilities as I continue my graduate studies.
Walden University. (2018). Walden University Writing Center: Critical Reading. Retrieved from Walden University Writing Center. (2018). What is critical thinking? Retrieved from