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Jan 9, 2024





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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Create Your Philosophy Of Supervision Paper Andrea Bates Northcentral University 1
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper My Philosophy of Supervision What I prepared for the very first week of this class is what I connect to when I think of my philosophy of supervision and it is as follows; In 20 years, I hope to be remembered as a supervisor the following three ways: As a supervisor, I was a patient, open-minded, compassionate, and an understanding listener. As a supervisor, I was an optimistic and self- aware explorer of our therapy skills and upheld resilience within difficult situations and held empathy towards my supervisees. As a supervisor, I impacted someone’s life for the better and helped them realize their creativity and determination to succeed. I would also be prepared to say that my philosophy of supervision is to ensure supervisees see that their effort is recognized and will contribute to improve practices on a clinical and ethical level while developing supervisees an authentic sense of professional identity and purpose. Evidence of Systems Thinking Within my approach to supervision and therapy is systemic in the viewpoints of Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson are thinking habits of systemic thinking I admire. Milton Erickson (a future firm postmodern reference; Erickson, 1982), with a non-pathological approach believed that people were equipped to solve their problems although they were not too aware of it. Gregory Bateson (1972, 1979) stated in (systems theory and cybernetics) conclusively stated that "the social system in which people function is of great importance to the development and solution of problems." Gregory Bateson, John Weakland, Jay Haley, Paul Watzlawick, and William Fry in Palo Alto, CA, in the famous Mental Research Institute (MRI), completely changed the perspectives within the mental health field. The patient's condition is not 2
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper pathological anymore but systemic. And, therapy becomes briefer, goal-oriented, strategic, and pragmatic (Haley, 1976, 1980). I believe my philosophy of supervision is based on the development of the ideas of these researchers. The concept map (please refer to the end of paper attached) illustrates some of the key elements of systemic supervision and it covers systemic supervision, illustrates the key roles, relationships, and responsibilities, includes typical supervision modalities, primary supervisory tasks, explains the ways culture, diversity, and social justice should be integrated into systemic supervision, and explored relevant ethical issues pertaining to systemic supervision. Clarity of supervisory roles and relationships Systemic supervision is defined in the concept map as "an experiential approach that explores the self of the therapist and reciprocal influences between two systems: therapist and client" (Mannle, 2023).The key roles of supervisors is to help the supervisee grow and thrive which includes promoting supervisee to develop growth through their support, protecting the welfare of clients by ensuring clients and supervisee are working together professionally, gatekeeping making sure that qualifications are being met, empowering supervisees with the capacity to reflect and self-supervise in the future by seeing their strengths and limitations with helping to seek support, and providing emotional support to help them cope with stress. (Gangoly, 2023) Relationships of supervisors and supervisees are a role of power and creation of an alliance together to create learning experiences. The supervisor is there to structure, role model, and give formative feedback and the supervisee is there to learn and grow into the learning of becoming an ethical and professional therapist. The responsibilities of both parties are to create a systemic alliance that helps the supervisee grow and learn from the seasoned 3
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper supervisor whom is the “power structure” that supplies encouragement and professional knowledge. Their relationship is a dynamic process in which they interrelate and mutually influence one another to get the results they’re aiming for. The typical modalities are listed above and include the main branches of therapy modalities that are within MFT. Evidence of awareness of systemic personal and professional experiences that impact Supervision The impact of personal experiences on the first subsystems needs awareness of the professional processing of supervision on the second system (the supervisory relationship). All of the systems connect to make it systemic from supervisee, supervisor, and clients. The primary supervisory tasks are to ensure that the supervisee is learning and to make sure that ethics, laws, and clients are safe within the system of supervision. Some ways culture, diversity, and social justice should be integrated into systemic supervision is to keep your bias away from the supervision and always stay curious and navigate through things in an ethical and professional manner. Some ethical issues are stated above that could possibly be an issue during systemic supervision which include 4.7 Confidentiality with supervisees (having systemic supervision a supervisee may have multiple supervisors so it’s important to authorize /have clear permissions) and 4.1 Exploitation - avoid dual relationships. Some effective supervision examples are as followed; listen & communicate well, trustworthy, build capabilities, set an example, advocate & encourage & acknowledge, be self-reflective, exude integrity, & show respect, while supporting and time manage well. Systemic supervision is effective when a solid supervisory working alliance has “clear expectations with regard to procedures methods, and performance evaluation" (Lee & Nelson, 4
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper 2014, p. 94). Additionally, the supervisory effort's focus should be on skills development, case management, the self of the therapist, and professional identity growth. The development of the referred goals is facilitated by a sense of openness & safety in the supervisory environment, a positive and constructive focus on strengths, systemic case conceptualization, practical skills, and adequate training to promote personal and professional growth. From a systemic point of view, the effectiveness of the supervisory working alliance depends on the quality of the interconnections between supervisee and supervisor in terms of reflective listening, of reciprocal feedback enabling circular causality and second-order change processes, morphogenesis (change and growth) and morphostasis (stability keeping) processes in an ongoing consideration of "interaction patterns that tend to repeat across subsystems" in parallel processes (isomorphism; Lee & Nelson, 2014, p. 102). Preferred supervision model and connection between your own therapy model and supervision model I would have to say that I connect with many different models and would want supervisee’s under my wing to be able to do the same thing. I prefer solution-focused therapy because that has been a very effective way for me to do therapy sessions, but sometimes it is mixed with narrative therapy or EFT. It seems like the narrative approach to supervision is useful due to clients telling their stories, hence people are storytellers. Clients come in with a conversation and the therapist helps in the creation of a collaborative alternative narrative. “As Jane Speedy notes, “A narrative take on supervision, however, would acknowledge the multi-storied possibilities available and would not necessarily collude with, or privilege, the professional knowledge of the supervisor. It would shed a critical light on the stories we tell ourselves about counseling supervision and on the cultural traditions of 5
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper these ‘common sense’ professional practices.”17 Other languages for narrative-informed supervision have been proposed, including “share vision,” “co-vision,” mentoring, coaching, etc. Most narrative practitioners use the name “consultation” just as is used for the therapy process (which can make the discussion a bit complicated). Some have maintained the language of “supervision,” hoping to reclaim its meaning while retaining some of its traditions (like apprenticeship and ongoing commitment to the counselor)” (Neuger, 2015). Also, a solution focused approach may be taken into consideration for supervision model I would want to work within. It seems to be fitting for supervisors and supervisees to work together in a very collaborative and non-judgmental way, which is important to me as a supervisor/therapist in general. Adapting de Shazer et al.’s (1986) SFBT approach to the clinical supervision of counselor trainees, solution-focused supervision (SFS) assumes that progress is already present, contrary to medical or problem-based supervision models (Juhnke, 1996). An assumption of the model is that competency comes from every aspect of the trainee’s life (Thomas, 2012), not just from his or her professional experiences. Therefore, even counselor trainees in their first semester of practicum have competencies they may build upon. The use of complimenting, finding exceptions, and goal setting help counselor trainees stay focused on positive professional growth and development rather than on potential failure” (Stark, Bruhn, 2014). Evidence of sensitivity to contextual factors such as the developmental phase of the trainee, training setting, culture, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, sex, gender, economics, and so forth 6
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper There are different developmental models of supervision to help contextualize the supervisee’s developmental phase such as the Integrated Development Model and the Ronnestad and Skovholt’s Model. “Developmental models of supervision define progressive stages of supervisee development from novice to expert, each stage consisting of discrete characteristics and skills. For example, supervisees at the beginning or novice stage would be expected to have limited skills and lack confidence as counselors, while middle stage supervisees might have more skill and confidence and have conflicting feelings about perceived independence/dependence on the supervisor. A supervisee at the expert end of the developmental spectrum is likely to utilize good problem-solving skills and be reflective about the counseling and supervisory process (Haynes, Corey, & Moulton, 2003). For supervisors employing a development approach to supervision, the key is to accurately identify the supervisee’s current stage and provide feedback and support appropriate to that developmental stage, while at the same time facilitating the supervisee’s progression to the next stage” (Smith, 2009). Within cultures it will always be different and unique. As therapists and supervisors, we have to be aware of our global consciousness while dealing with different aspects pertaining to culture to grow towards learning about them. Systemic supervision with supervisor and supervisee will also connect into culturist characteristics while in training/supervising. “Cultural competence and knowledge and awareness of the cultural complexity of the contemporary world or multiculturalism is extremely important in supervision. The list is endless, but let’s start with learning and understanding of the intersectionality of culture and that there are cultures within a culture. For example, Black people are not a 7
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper monolithic people and nor are Hispanics or Native Americans. Without multiculturalism, people are allowed to uphold their biases. This can really damage the therapeutic alliance. People assume often, so the best way to learn is to come from a place of curiosity. When multiculturalism is embedded in supervision, it allows for a deeper dive into the supervisee’s approach with the client—how they show up in session—and provides them with tools that they otherwise would not have. It also facilitates a deeper growth, authenticity, and sensitivity that otherwise would not have been nourished” (NBCC, 2023). Diversity and social justice in systemic supervision are also very important things to keep in mind within your training to become a competent systemic supervisor. “Supervisors must keep the conversation of social location and issues of power and privilege front and center in the process and content of supervision. This presents some ways in which supervisors can keep these conversations central in supervision so that discussions of diversity and oppression remain vibrant, intentional, and ever-present. It outlines four primary areas that can be attended to in the supervisor-supervisee relationship in order to do this: establishing a safe space for supervisory connection; working toward cultural knowledge/awareness and cultural humility; recognizing and managing privilege, power, and bias associated with social location for all involved; and embracing our role as agents of change in the areas of social justice and advocacy with our clients and in our profession. The degree to which the supervisor creates a sense of safety for supervisees to self-disclose influences the quality of the supervisory relationship” (Jordan, 2016). Within the counseling and therapy professions, there has been a large primary focus on the integration of social justice into our clinical practices. 8
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper One interest in particular is the emphasis on social justice that is reflected within the counseling literature represents a paradigm shift to critically and systematically explore the social context of the client worldview that helps us not only within our therapy sessions, but supervision and supervisee roles as well. (Odegard,Vereen, Hill, 2007) Within systemic supervision, contextual issues will arise and it is important that you follow and understand as a supervisor and supervisee. There will always be conditions in which tasks and tools will come into play as guidance and reflective situations for the supervisor and supervisee. “Contextual factors of supervision are conditions that are related empirically and practically to the supervisor and supervisee’s choice of task and function and the formation of the relationship. Whereas task and function can be inferred from the process of communication, contextual factors are sometimes not obvious to the observer or apparent to the participants. Based on their tacit knowledge and experience, supervisors and trainees make decisions about their engagement and topic of conversation. In teaching supervision, the properties of the contextual factors are guideposts for supervisors to consider in a reflective process that uncovers the motivations and intent of their actions in supervision. Factors that might influence information processing and decision making have been studied by asking supervisors or trainees to reflect on their own or the other’s actions” (Blackwell, 2014). If you have any questions for your supervisor or supervisee then always try to collaborate and work together in order to reflect on views that could clash or have negative actions on either party. Systemic supervision is an essential way to help supervisors and supervisees to connect and collaborate in a systems approach perspective. 9
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Race, sexual orientation, age, sex, gender, and economics are all within the AAMFT code of ethics and must be met with respect, understanding, and care. We have to make sure that as supervisors, we uphold the best of our abilities towards our supervisees that we set a good example towards upholding all concerns pertaining to anything of these natures and refer back to our ethical and legalities of our profession to make sure that all of these aspects are followed to ensure competent therapists are being grown into our field of expertise. Clarity of preferred process of supervision (individual/group; live/audio/video/technology- assisted; frequency; contracting; evaluating My preferred process of supervision is a mix of individual and group. I believe individual supervision is helpful because this type of supervision can have more engaging conversations on specific needs that need to be addressed vs. having seven other supervisee’s asking 100 different questions and some could get confused or feel as if they are not being heard by the supervisor, which could make things complicated. Also, individual can be intimidating to some so the power balance has to be present in order for things to move swiftly. Group sessions can sometimes help normalize the initial shock of supervision and nervous supervisees and help them feel more collaborative and give them a sense of a safe inclusive learning experience. Within the different modalities of these processes, I prefer video and not audio because I like to see the body language and facial expressions to understand better how the client and supervisee are interacting. Technology assisted applications such as I have used in the past for tele- therapy during internship helped me realize how important it is to make sure clients or supervisees should take extra steps to ensure the safety of their information and work is kept in compliance of the HIPPA laws and ethics of our field. I specifically enjoyed this type of 10
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper interaction with clients while I was being supervised, because I was able to still see clients who had went off to college, but still wanted to have therapy sessions and couldn’t drive to see me. My supervisor would sit in the room and watch our sessions live while I was on video call with them and it worked out very well in my opinion. On the frequency, supervisor and supervisee are to meet individually and in group, it will be every two weeks to ensure consistency, the clients' safety, and to comply with the Missouri regulations. The contract sample is to be precise to expect as much as possible any type of disagreements (Note: supervisory contract attached before references) and to remove false expectations. Elements we should expect to see in a supervisory contract to structure/inform the roles of the supervisor/supervisee should be properly articulated and discriminated by articles. All needed within the contract has to follow guidelines and benefit all parties involved to obtain proper knowledge for supervision. Supervisors will evaluate according to rules and regulations per this particular contract and have supervisees follow them with assertive guidelines. Supervisor Role 1. Monitor all aspects of supervisee's clinical cases (e.g., monitor counseling work, review audiotapes, identify successes and needs-to-improve in counseling sessions, give supportive, constructive feedback). 2. Identify and explore parameters of supervisor roles. 3. Identify interventions for clients at risk. 4. Role-model multicultural personal factors (e.g., belief systems, countertransference) in supervision. 5. Facilitate the development of adequate assessment procedures, case conceptualization, and treatment plans. 6. Improve supervisee's self-awareness. 11
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper 7. Clarify the roles of teacher, coach, administrator, mentor, and gatekeeper (specific) 8. Provide early feedback to the supervisee on his progress and professional competence. 9. Coordinate with any supervisee's agency demands (e.g., administrative stuff, proceedings and polices). 10. Contribute to supervisee's professional growth (general) Supervisee Role 1. Engage actively in the supervision process by being prepared for supervision (e.g., discuss client cases, questions, and feedback) 2. Inform supervisor of all cases. 3. Bring in personal factors to supervision (e.g., transference, countertransference, and parallel processes). 4. Identify goals and tasks to achieve in supervision, as well as strengths and needs to improve areas. 5. Disclose clinical errors and concerns. 6. Reply to supervisor feedback. 7. Provide proof of malpractice/ liability insurance (e.g., minimum 1 million dollars). Evidence of sensitivity to ethics and legal factors One particular issue of the AAMFT Code of Ethics is the absence of hermeneutic solid references, i.e. in case of doubt, in case of rules and principles conflict before a messy dilemma, which ethical action direction(s) does AAMFT suggest for the rationale of due process decision making application of its code of ethics? Any preferred model(s) of ethical decision-making? (Kitchener, 1984, 1986; Zigmond & Boorhem, 1989) Or, a philosophical basis for ethical decision-making, like critical utilitarianism? Feminist theory? (Klein, 1976; Libow, Raskin, Caust, 1982) Hermeneutic approaches? Kohlberg's theory? Social constructivism? (Cottone & Claus, 2000). 12
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper My idea is to start by referring briefly to the main ethical principles of decision making and professional behavior expected by a supervisor, a trainee supervisee or a MFT. According to the American Counseling Association (2021), those principles would be as follows; 1. Autonomy, the right to decide/choose on one's life orientation. 2. No maleficence, the obligation of avoiding actions that may cause someone harm. 3. Beneficence, the inclination to work for the good of the individuals, the couple, the families or the society by promoting wellness. 4. Justice, promoting fairness and equality. 5. Fidelity, staying loyal to professional expectations to maintain high levels of trust in these professional relationships. 6. Veracity, truthfully relating with the clients and all other individuals in a respectful professional manner. The AAMFT Code of Ethics was designed to apply to our therapeutic relationships between supervisee/client/- all aspects, and therefore, you have to apply it towards supervisory relationships so all standards apply. Each code of ethics applies towards the growth and therapeutic processes with their clients. Always refer to all sections of these codes to help the supervisory process succeed in an ethical and lawful manner. Awareness of requirements for AAMFT membership, regulatory requirements, and standards for the Approved Supervisor designation There are different AAMFT membership applications, depending on the training and experience of an applicant. The Clinical Fellow designation is granted to Professional Members of AAMFT 13
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper who have met the highest level of MFT licensure in the United States or have been reviewed and approved as having met AAMFT standards for education in MFT or systemic family therapy as well as rigorous standards of training in marriage and family therapy. This designation must be renewed every 2 years by submitting proof of 20 hours of continuing education which includes 3 hours of professional ethics and 1 hour devoted to cultural competence. The following are standard criteria for Clinical Fellow Designation: Licensure Pathway Membership : Applicants must be a current AAMFT Professional - Full Member. Licensure : Clinical Fellow designation applicants must possess the highest license as a Marriage and Family Therapist granted by a regulatory agency in the United States as recognized by AAMFT. The license must be active at the time of application. Evaluative Pathway Membership : Applicants must be a current AAMFT Professional Member. Education Requirement : An accredited master’s or doctoral degree in Marriage and Family Therapy or related mental health field. Must successfully complete the eleven required courses in five core areas: Marriage and Family Studies, Marriage and Family Therapy, Human Development, Professional Ethics, and Research Practicum: 300 client contact hours that have been supervised during the graduate degree program. Graduates that do not complete a total of 300 client contact hours during their graduate degree program, will be able to submit the remaining hours with post-degree clinical work experience with appropriate documentation. Post-Degree Clinical Requirements: a minimum of two-years of professional work experience in marriage and family therapy. During the two-year period, applicants must document a minimum of 1,000 client contact hours concurrently with 200 hours of supervision (100 of the 200 supervision hours must be individual supervision). All post- master’s clinical work must be supervised by an AAMFT Approved Supervisor or supervisor candidate. Alternate supervisors may be considered on a case-by-case basis if the supervisor meets the minimum education, clinical training, and supervision experience in marriage and family therapy. Approved Supervisor Designation An AAMFT Approved Supervisor Designation is the highest and the most prestigious designation in the marriage and family therapy field. Our Approved Supervisors fulfill stringent education and clinical training requirements to achieve this designation and serve as mentors in helping the next generation of marriage and family therapists. Approved Supervisors serve as ‘supervisors’ to graduates students and MFT trainees and as ‘mentors’ to supervisor candidates, providing clinical and supervision training to help them achieve the adequate knowledge, skills and expertise toward their licensure and supervision 14
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper certification. The Designation is accepted and acknowledged by most states of USA and provinces of Canada and some of the state licensing boards require supervision from AAMFT Approved Supervisor for MFT licensure.  (AAMFT Designations, 2023) Becoming an AAMFT Approved Supervisor Involves Three Steps: 1. Prepare to Train: Before beginning the Approved Supervisor designation training process, please make sure that you meet the following pre-requisites: Become an AAMFT Professional Member and/or hold a Clinical Fellow Designation (Student membership is only acceptable for students in COAMFTE accredited doctoral programs); Identify an Approved Supervisor with at least 120 hours of post designation supervision experience as defined in this handbook to serve as a supervisor mentor; and □ Develop a plan for fulfilling the training requirements. 2. Complete the Training Requirements: Regular or Doctoral Track Maintain AAMFT Professional membership and/or Clinical Fellow Designation (student membership is only acceptable in COAMFTE accredited doctoral program track) throughout the training program Complete an AAMFT provided or pre-approved Fundamentals of MFT Supervision course, described in Section Three of this handbook. Provide supervision to MFTs/trainees as described in Section Two of this handbook while being supervised and guided by a mentor. Complete the requirements for AAMFT Clinical Fellow Designation and apply for this if you do not already hold an active Clinical Fellow Designation. This requirement varies for graduates of COAMFTE doctoral programs as described in Section One of this handbook. In this instance applicants should follow the requirements described under the Doctoral Track. 3. Submit the Approved Supervisor Application. Complete and submit an application packet to AAMFT (see pages 34-52 for application forms). (Approved Supervision Designation: Standards Handbook, 2023) On continuing education: AAMFT Approved Supervisors must complete a six-hour Approved Supervisor refresher course prior to renewing their five-year term. The course must be taken within two years prior to the renewal date. The Approved Supervisor refresher courses are specifically designed with the seasoned supervisor in mind. The course is described in detail in Section Three of this handbook and must be provided or pre-approved by the AAMFT. A list of AAMFT Approved Supervisor refresher courses can be found on AAMFT Approved Supervisor Refresher Courses or obtained by contacting AAMFT via email or telephone (American Counseling Association, 2021) 15
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Integrated literature This requirement has been projected within this assignment itself. Systemic supervision is a form of art that connects supervisor and supervisee together in such a unique and interesting manner. “Just as an architect painstakingly invests in each line and detail of a plan and the builder carefully pours the foundation of a great and mighty structure long before its actual realization, so the supervisor painstakingly invests in the supervisee's process of becoming” (Cawthon, & Smith, 2019). . 16
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper , 17 " Systemic Supervision is an experiential approach that explores the self of the therapist and reciprocal influences between two systems: therapist and client" (Mannle, 2023). Key roles-Supervisor power and involvement/empower to exercise choice & self-determination to supervisee, Supervisee - therapy experience,learning goals and style being interpersonal with cultural values Relationships- Supervisor Professional experience & roles, theoretical orientations, interpersonal style, cultural world view shared w/supervisee. Supervisee - learning from "power" (learning alliance should be built between the 2) to help counsel & learn from professional Responsibilities- create an alliance for a learning experience (APA, 2014) Typical Supervision Modalities- CBT, DBT, Narrative Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Systemic Therapy, Structual Therapy,Contexual Therapy Primary Supervisory Tasks "The supervisor brings to the supervisory relationship an independentway of viewing human behavior, interpersonal relations, and social institutions, all of which are largely influenced by cultural socialization" (APA, 2014). "Approved Supervisor mentor assumes responsibility for overseeing the training, providing supervision mentoring, evaluating the candidate’s progress, and assisting the candidate in making the final application for the designation" (AAMFT, 2023). Evaluate & give feedback, stay curious, advocate, scheduling, time management, encourage supervisee, progress notes, self awareness for explorations, and trustworthy and honest. Culture, Diversity, and Social justice should be integrated into Systemic Supervision "Cultural characteristics, which includegender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and personal values, strongly influence an individual’s social and moral judgments" (APA,2014). Keep personal bias out- Stay curious and research and ask questions, alliance is important. Ethical Issues 4.7 Confidentality with supervisees (having systemic supervision a supervisee may have multiple supervisors so its important to authorize /have clear permissions. 4.1 Exploitation - avoid dual realationships Effective Supervision Examples Listen & Communicate well Trustworthy, build capabilitties, set an example, advocate & encourage & acknowledge, be self- reflective, exude intergrity, & show respect, while supporting and time manage well.
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper SAMPLE SUPERVISION CONTRACT We have decided to enter into a supervision experience together and we have gone over a number of issues in order to help us create an agreed-upon context for that experience. The purpose of this contract is to outline those issues and to serve as a resource for our work together. Therapist/Trainee Name ________Cody Brown_______ Address_______123 Alabama Lane Steele Mo 63877____ Supervisor Name ___Andrea Bates___________Address________311 Missouri St Steele Mo 63877______ Outline of Logistics We have agreed to commit _____60 hours_____________________________ (length of time or number of contacts) to some form of supervision contact, beginning __7/24/23_____________ and continuing until ____`12/14/23_____________ We have decided to divide up this time in the following ways: __________________2 hours per week with 15 clients in group and 3 hour per week for individual sessions with clients. In the case of a client cancellation, we have decided __________________________________________ ______To focus on groups in this case as our facility has group sessions daily. If a client cancels, supervisee with be instructed to group facilitations.____________________________________________________________________ __________ In case of an emergency we have discussed the following procedure(s): I will be available by phone for any immediate consultations and all other issues. Email is also available and if weather is bad, then I do offer phone supervision meetings. Note: If you think you, a client, or another individual is in imminent danger, first call the police department and the follow the procedure above. Clarification of the Supervision Relationship My supervision style As a supervisor, I am committed to providing an atmosphere of trust, empathy, encouragement and support for the supervisee’s professional development. I will provide honest feedback and will ensure that the supervisee is aware of strength and growth areas throughout the supervisory relationship. 18
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Supervision will include raw data of the supervisee’s performance through direct observation, co-therapy, videotape or audiotape. This complies with the AAMFT Supervisor’s Handbook. All supervision will be done in-person; telephonic supervision will only be conducted for brief consultation or emergencies. Confidentially All information discussed in the supervisory session is confidential, with the exceptions of those conditions that signal imminent threat of harm to self or others, abuse or neglect of a minor or dependent adult, as well as issues of duty to warn. With this in mind, it may become necessary to break confidentiality and consult with the supervisee’s administrator and/or supervisor at their place of employment or internship site. Plan for providing feedback to one another Feedback will be provided at the office of Gracious Therapy LLC, Steele Mo or we can arrange a time for phone or video if needed. We will meet once a week to discuss at this site or the supervisee’s other sites given there are any provided. Plan for handling stumbling blocks/disagreements/etc. The plan for handling stumbling blocks or disagreements we shall agree upon working with one another as a team. I will uphold the highest of ethics with AAMFT, and I will expect my supervisee to do so. We will discuss any issues or problems that arise in the supervisory relationship when they occur so they can be resolved in a timely manner. I will do everything I can to develop and uphold agreeable solutions. If needed, reports that are unresolved due to behavioral issues may be subject to AAMFT reporting and a new plan could be added to the supervisee’s contract. If you are not satisfied with my supervision, I would invite you at any given time to discuss this with me. Additional clarifications Fee : I will charge 40 dollars per hour. This rate is non-negotiable. Identification of Goals We have identified the following goals for our work together 19
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper The goals we have identified are as follows; Supervisees will maintain appropriate clinical records and documentation, provide routine, clinical documentation for review at supervision meetings and will regularly manage and track supervision hours, clinical hours, and case management loads. It is expected that the supervisee will set goals for professional growth, coming to the supervision sessions prepared with questions regarding their clients, the profession, ethical concerns, or skill development. Therapist Signature ________ Cody Brown _______________ Date ___7/23/23___________ Supervisor Signature __________ Andrea Bates ___________ Date _7/23/23______________ 20
RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper References Approved Supervision Designation: Standards Handbook. (2023) Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/AS%20Handbook_2023_January.pdf (2023). AAMFT Designations. Retrieved from, (2023). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from (2023). Responsibilities and Guidelines for AAMFT Approved Supervisors and Supervisor Candidates. Retrieved from APA. Holloway,E. (2014). Supervision Essentials for a Systems Approach to Supervision Retrieved from Essentials-for-a-Systems-Approach-to-Supervision-Chapter-1-Sample.pdf American Counseling Association (2021). 2014 ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from Membershi 21
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper p/New_Join_Application/Join_AAMFT.aspx?hkey=b16a4aa7-0e1e-47d4- b47f5fb8ebdd28a9 Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an ecology of mind: Collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology. Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press. Bateson, G. (1979). Mind and nature: A necessary unity. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton. Bernard, Cawthon, H. M., & Smith, B. M. (2019). Supervision in marriage and family therapy. In L. Metcalf (Ed.), Marriage and family therapy: A practice- oriented approach (pp. 401–436). Springer Publishing Company. Erickson, M. H. (1982). My voice will go with you: The teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson. New York, NY: Norton. Gangoly, M. (2023). Goals of Supervision and Supervisor Supervisee Roles. Retrieved from supervisee-roles/#:~:text=The%20central%20goals%20of %20supervision,receiving%20high%2Dquality%20professional %20services . Haley, J. (1980). Leaving home. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 22
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Haley, J. (1976). Problem-solving therapy: New strategies for effective family therapy. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Jordan, K. (2016). Couple, Marriage, and Family Therapy Supervision. Retrieved from Lee, R. E, & Nelson, T. S. (2014). The contemporary relational supervisor. New York, NY: Routledge. Mannle,B. (2023). Systemic Supervision. Retrieved from %20Supervision%20is%20an%20experiential,set%20drift%20without %20a%20compass . NBCC. (2023). Incorporating Multiculturalism in Clinical Supervision. Retrieved from multiculturalism-in-clinical-supervision Neuger, C. (2015). Narrative Therapy and Supervision. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/382-Article%20Text-756-1-10- 20150520.pdf 23
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RUNNING HEAD: Create Your Philosophy of Supervision Paper Odegard, M., Vereen, L. G., & Hill, N. R. (2007, October). Situating supervision in the context of a social justice paradigm: A convergence of Bernard’s Discrimination Model and social justice. Paper based on a program presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Columbus, OH. Retrieved from Vereen-Hill.pdf Stark, M. and Bruhn, H. (2014). Practicum Student Experiences of Solution- Focused Supervision: A Pilot Study. Retrieved from sfvrsn=c0117e2c_11 Smith, K. (2009). A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SUPERVISION MODELS. Retrieved from of-supervision-models.pdf 24
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