Course Project Milestone
Hello Professor and classmate,
This week I will be focusing on option 2 regarding healthcare and social technologies. Over the last decade, technology has made continuous improvements in how patients communicate and receive medical treatment. As these technological improvements have evolved, healthcare providers must adapt accordingly and apply moral standards to provide outstanding patient care.
Telemedicine includes various forms of communication such as video chat, phone calls,
texts, and messaging systems. Providers should still uphold the same standards as those in the hospital Telemedicine is a great example of how technology has evolved in healthcare. Telemedicine provides patients and doctors the opportunity to communicate
with one another without being in the same room.
Providers must maintain characteristics of generosity, justness, and prudence as it is the virtue of ethics
(Rachels & Rachels, 2019)
. Providers must ensure that confidentiality is maintained as well. Providers should not be in the room with any other person when conducting appointments remotely. “To gain patient confidence, it is essential that a robust privacy and security plan accompany any new telemedicine program and be communicated to patients
(Mehta, 2014).” Patients need to be able to trust their provider in the virtual environment, just as it was an in-person visit.
Mehta, S. J. (2014). Telemedicine’s Potential Ethical Pitfalls.
AMA Journal of Ethics
(12), 1014–1017. https://doi.org/10.1001/virtualmentor.2014.16.12.msoc1-
Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019).
The elements of moral philosophy
(9th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.