Week 4 NP 500



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1 APN Professional Development Plan Rachel Primmer Chamberlain University: Nurse Practitioner Track NR500NP Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles Dr. Mindy Stayner November 21, 2021
2 APN Professional Development Plan The goal of the APN Professional Development Plan is to explore the role of the nurse practitioner further, and to develop leadership strategies. The American Nurses Association defines an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) as an “individual who treats and diagnoses illness, advises the public on health issues, manages chronic disease, and engages in continuing education.” (ANA, n.d., p.1). In a previous paper we touched on the different specialties unique to APNs. These include clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. Each specialty has a unique scope of practice, competencies, and leadership. In this paper we will be focusing on the APN role of the nurse practitioner. Advanced Practice Nurse Scope of Practice The Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) provides primary, acute, or specialty health care throughout the individual’s life. This is done by using skills acquired through education and clinical experience. In an advanced education setting, the NP is taught in-depth assessment, proper diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses and injuries. We will be exploring the scope of practice of the APN as it relates to the state of Ohio. The nurse practice act sets the guidelines of nursing practice in each respective state. The state of Ohio defines an APN-specifically a CNP as: “an advanced practice registered nurse who holds a current, valid license issued under this chapter and is designated as a certified nurse practitioner in accordance with section 4723.42 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the board of nursing.” ( Chapter 4723: Nurses, 2021). Educational Requirements The educational requirement is successful completion of an accredited advanced education, necessary training, and relevant clinical experience built upon an initial licensure of a
3 registered nurse. In the State of Ohio, an advanced education can be described as a master’s or doctoral-level with a specialty in nursing or associated field specialty. Upon successful completion of the program, the applicant is then required to sit and pass their certification exam. In this case it would be the CNP exam. After successfully passing the certification exam, completion documentation is submitted to the governing board. It is also necessary to submit all supplemental credentials prior to applying for licensure such as: age, residence, school at which the applicant obtained education, and nursing specialty. License Requirements In the previous paragraph we discussed the necessities of program completion, passing the certification exam, and applying for APRN licensure. The State of Ohio Board of Nursing is the regulatory body in Ohio who administers licensure to qualified applicants. Each Board of Nursing can allocate an application fee for licensure. The initial fee for an APRN in Ohio is one hundred fifty dollars with the renewal fees being one hundred thirty-five dollars. Similar to the registered nurse, the advanced practice nurse is required to apply for renewal on odd-numbered years by the 15 th of September of that year. As an APRN there is a requirement to fulfill twenty- four hours of continuing education credits, with twelve hours being advanced pharmacology from an accredited institution. Regulatory Requirements In advanced practice nursing, there are two regulatory bodies which determine the scope of practice. These are the individual state’s laws as well as the state Board of nursing. Each state has a nurse practice act which defines the practice. “The Board is a government agency created by Ohio law to regulate the practice of nursing in Ohio for the safety of the public. The Ohio
4 legislature enacts the Nurse Practice Act set forth in Chapter 4723. of the Ohio Revised Code” ( Chapter 4723: Nurses, 2021, pp.3). Practice Authority There are three levels of advanced nursing practice depending on the state in which the individual practices. These include full practice, reduced practice, and restricted practice ( Nurse practitioner scope of practice: State by State, 2021). The state of Ohio falls under the category of reduced practice. According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), “state practice and licensure laws reduce the ability of NPs to engage in at least one element of NP practice. State law requires a career-long regulated collaborative agreement with another health provider in order for the NP to provide patient care, or it limits the setting of one or more elements of NP practice” (AANP, 2021, pp.5). The advanced practice nurse is able to practice in collaboration with physician(s). The scope of practice includes primary care services, acute care services, and to evaluate and promote patient wellness within their certified specialty. Prescriptive Authority The NP is able to prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices as long as they meet pre- determined criteria defined by the state of practice. The state of Ohio has an extensive section of Revised Code which further determines the prescribing abilities of the nurse practitioner. APNs are not to surpass the prescriptive authority of their collaborating physician(s). The nurse practitioner is “able to prescribe a schedule II-controlled substance if all of the following apply: the patient has a terminal condition, a physician initially prescribed the substance, and the amount does not exceed the amount necessary for the patient’s use in a single, seventy-two-hour period.” ( Chapter 4723: Nurses, 2021, pp.9). Furthermore, the nurse practitioner can prescribe a
5 schedule II controlled substance if the prescription is issued from any of the following locations: ”a hospital, an entity owned or controlled by a hospital, a health care facility operated by the department of mental health and addiction services or the department of developmental disabilities, a nursing home, a county or district home certified under the Medicare or Medicaid program, a hospice care program, a community mental health services provider, an ambulatory surgical facility, a freestanding birthing center, a federally qualified health center, a federally qualified health center look-alike, a health care office or facility operated by the board of health of a city, a site where a medical practice is operated, and a residential care facility.” ( Chapter 4723: Nurses, 2021, pp.9). The list above is a brief summary for educational purposes. Each of these locations have further stipulations and requirements for the nurse practitioner to prescribe this specific class of medications. The nurse practitioner shall not prescribe or furnish any drug or therapeutic device listed under the exclusionary formulary established by the state. The exclusion list in the state of Ohio includes a drug or device used to perform or induce an abortion, and a drug or device prohibited by state or federal law. Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) is an organization that was developed to promote and facilitate excellent NP instruction. The NONPF identifies nine core competencies as the basis for the NP student education. These are “scientific foundation, leadership, quality, practice inquiry, technology and information literacy, policy, health delivery system, ethics, and independent practice.” (NONPF, 2017, p.1-15). The NONPF states “In the development of the nurse practitioner (NP) population-focused competencies, a task force had extensive discussions of competencies vs. content. The task force concluded that it
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