Communicating Needs with Families



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 24, 2024





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Communicating Needs with Families Heather Hendricks College of Education, Grand Canyon University Survey of Moderate to Severe Special Education: SPD-506 Melanie Bloom May 13, 2024
May 12, 2024 H. Hendricks, Instructional Strategist II: Intellectual Disabilities Davenport Community School District (Parent Name) (Address) Dear parent, Hello, my name is Heather Hendricks. I will be Sally’s special education teacher for this academic school year. I earned my bachelor’s degree through Grand Canyon University and am currently pursuing my master’s degree in special education - moderate to severe disabilities. Constantly working to further education in the field is essential to ensuring my ability to provide the best instructional strategies and environments for my students. As a parent of a child with disabilities, I understand the importance of working with my students’ families to help children learn and grow to the best of their ability. This letter will discuss the instructional strategies used in the classroom to support Sally’s unique needs and help her to achieve her goals. According to Sally’s current IEP, there will be the following areas of focus: communication, behavior modification, daily living skills, motor, cognitive, and health. Communication: Due to Sally’s visual and hearing impairments, staff will use the Blind-Deaf Manual Alphabet for communication instruction. This will provide Sally with touch sensory input, spelling/signing words into Sally’s hand. Hand under hand guidance will be provided for Sally to practice this skill to help support her goal to increase communication. Staff will also provide opportunities for writing activities using depressed letter writing boards to help guide Sally’s ability to form written words as an
added method of communication. Staff will respond immediately to Sally’s methods of communication and provide the corresponding fingerspelling into her hand or hand under hand guidance of writing to encourage understanding of meaningful communication. In collaboration with speech language personnel, staff will assist Sally in using eye-gaze assistive technology with an AAC device for communication purposes. Sally’s device will be equipped with an eye-gaze controlled mouse to aid in using her device for ease of communication. In this way, staff will provide multiple communication strategies, and learn and encourage Sally’s preferred strategies to further improve communication outcomes. Behavior modification: Due to the unknown cause or function of Sally’s behavior (poking her finger into her right eye), Sally will be provided other sensory objects (for example: pop-it toys, push button fidgets, silly putty, playdough, slime, kinetic sand) to encourage replacement behavior and decrease the frequency of her poking her eye. Classroom staff will provide verbal and/or physical praise when Sally demonstrates the replacement behavior. Daily living skills: Sally will be provided repetitive instruction and multiple opportunities to practice daily living skills. Hand under hand assistance will be provided by room staff to model and guide learning of these skills. Sally’s daily living tasks will be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps to improve learning opportunities and help her build and grow from mastered skills. As Sally demonstrates an ability to complete skills with assistance, assistance will be tapered off and a light system will be used to indicate step completion in order to help foster independence in mastering skills.
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