Pediatrics HESI MBG



Glendale Career College *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by MagistrateNeutronKouprey70

Pediatrics HESI Celiac Disease Gluten free diet: NO RYE o Rice is allowed Manifestations: o Delayed growth, weight loss, foul smelling stools Profuse watery diarrhea and vomit ROW: o (NO) RYE, OATS, WHEATS Potatoes are okay Stages of development: 3-year-old: o Gross motor skills: Jump, kick ball, walk up and down stairs o Can draw circles and turn pages of a book one at a time 2-3-year old: o Fine motor skill: Learning to dress self o Can talk in 1 or 2 sentences 1-2-year-old: o Fine motor skill: Scribbles on paper o Gross motor skill: Push-pull toys o 18-month: Can eat with a spoon o 1 y/o: Develops separation anxiety; this will resolve with the development of language and vocabulary skills o 2 y/o: Are capable of making a three word sentence Preschool age: o Toys: Dolls and toys School age: o Toys: Jigsaw with 100 pieces Board games o If hospitalized: school involvement should be continued Hydrocephalus TX: shunt placement o Notify physician if child has: Low grade fever Seizures
Malaise or irritability o Constipation should be avoided as it can increase ICP Scoliosis: Most commonly occurs in adolescent females o Occurs between 10-15 y/o’s If left untreated it can cause respiratory difficulty Mild scoliosis: 10-20 degrees o TX: exercises to improve posture and muscle tone Moderate scoliosis: 20-40 degrees o TX: bracing Teach how to apply brace and that it should be worn for 23 hours a day Suggest clothing modifications Severe scoliosis: >40 degrees o TX: surgery Leg rolling Cystic fibrosis SS: steatorrhea o Foul smelling, fatty stools Chest physiotherapy: o Usually done 2-3 times per day o Cup hand and clap on specific area of chest wall for 3-5 minutes o Ask child to cough to mobilize secretions (do this before changing to a different position) o Should be done 2-3 after meals or prior to eating o Administer bronchodilators before therapy o Start with the upper lobes and move down Diet: o ADEK vitamins o High cal, high protein diet o Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy Hypothyroid: Lifelong supplemental therapy will be needed HR of 100 BPM= do not give med Increase fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation Manifestation: o Weight gain, constipation, delayed growth o Cool extremities o Early sign: cessation of growth in a child that had been normal Hyperthyroidism: SS: assessment of physiological state is a priority on assessment o Nervousness, apprehension, hyperexcitability o Palpitations, weight loss, exophthalmos Strabismus: TX: vision therapy in form of eye exercises o Patching unaffected eye for 1-2 hrs each day
Osteomyelitis TX: IV antibiotic for 3-6 weeks o Family may need to utilize a home infusion therapy company to provide the antibiotics Dressing changes should be done in a sterile manner Notify HCP of increased pulse rate and fever Cerebral palsy : Scissor gait may be a manifestation Dyskinetic: tremors and poor fine movement Spastic: exaggerated DTR, and abnormal curvature of spine Ataxic: wide-base unsteady gait Metabolic alkalosis: Often occurs with hypokalemia o May need K+ supplementation TX: IV infusion of 0.9% NS o This will help in the excrement of bicarb Asthma Albuterol: o Therapeutic effects occur within 60-90 mins o SE: palpitations and shakiness Meter dose inhaler: o Hold breath (medication) for 10 seconds after inhaling Short acting b-agonists o Regular use of more than 2 days a week indicates loss of control and additional treatment is needed Inhaled corticosteroids: o Used daily not in times of exacerbations o May cause oral yeast infection Rinsing mouth after each dose is indicated Tetrology of Fallot: Knee chest position is the first intervention Then the nurse should provide oxygen as needed Hypospadias: Double-diapering technique should be used to protect urinary stent after surgery Do not use the straddle position (over the hip) as this places pressure on surgical site HIV: They are still able to receive the flu shot Should not receive live attenuated Influenza vaccines (nasal spray) Diabetes: If the child is sick the parent should test urine for ketones o If positive: give the child liquids to clear ketones Diabetic ketoacidosis: o Initial treatment: NS saline infusion (IV) o Insulin infusion is prescribed: monitor blood glucose and serum K+ levels
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Hypokalemia may occur as K+ will shift to the cells o Manifestation: Hyperglycemia: fruity breath odor and decrease LOC Dehydrated state, hypotension Management: o Teach the child the process of glucose testing if they are able to understand Hypoglycemia: o Rapid releasing glucose (honey), followed by complex carb and protein such as bread or peanut butter cracker o Unconscious: cake frosting onto gums, or administer glucagon if the blood sugar does not go up Iron: Place the medication in a dropper on the back of throat and follow with OJ Teach patient that black tarry stools may occur Half strength juice can be used as an oral rehydration solution This will be more effective than clear water because it will not be absorbed as well since it lacks electrolytes Cardiac cath: Child should be kept on bed rest for 4-6 hours with the leg straight o Followed by limited activity for 24 hours Encourage quiet play for the first 24 hours after the procedure CPR: Assess the breathing and pulse after 5 cycles of 30 compressions, 2 breaths each Intussusception: Telescoping of a portion of the bowel into another o Usually the colon SS: o Severe abdominal pain which is intermittent Colicky abdominal pain in a child between 3-17 months is the classic presentation Tender, distended abdomen o Vomiting (NOT PROJECTILE) o Bright red blood and mucous stools (currant jelly) o Sausage shaped mass in upper right quadrant while lower right quadrant is empty Passage of currant jelly stools means the condition is worsening o This is secondary to compression of the bowel vasculature NG tube is used to decompress the intestine and should be assessed for patency Barium enema: hydrostatic pressure from contract moves bowel back into place resolving the intussusception Jones criteria: Rheumatic Fever: Polyarthritis Chorea: involuntary movement of muscles Carditis Subcutaneous nodules Lab findings:
o Elevated sed rate o C- reactive protein o Elevated antistreptolysin o titer Lumbar puncture: Severe headache may indicate a spinal fluid leak and the physician should be notified Bedrest is prescribed to help prevent onset of spinal headache Lyme disease: Antibiotics should be taken (can take up to 4 weeks of tx) o Patient should be taught to avoid sun exposure while taking these Can be contracted from tick of a deer Lice: Shampoo should be applied to dry hair Pediculicide shampoo is used immediately and repeated in 7-10 days Wash bedding in hot water and dried in drier for 20 mins GER: Hold the baby upright for 20-30 mins after every feeding Thicken formula with cereal Offer frequent, small volume feeds Zantac: o SE: rash Measure weight daily * Strep throat infection: Treated with antibiotic One side effect is acute post infectious glomerulonephritis o Occurs due to an immune reaction o Abrupt onset w/ flank pain and hematuria o Mild periorbital edema + edema of the feet acute post infectious glomerulonephritis Child should be on fluid restriction until renal function returns to normal Periorbital edema and expiratory crackles indicate fluid overload Von Willebrand disease: Client will be deficient in clotting factor: Inform dentist prior to routine care as bleeding will occur with dental procedures Girls may have excessive menstrual bleeding Diaper dermatitis: Severe: o parents should change the diaper every 2 hours during the day o Change the diaper once during the night o Do not wash the area w/ soap as it can exacerbate the dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis: SS: red patches and greasy scales TX: baby’s hair should be washed daily with baby shampoo and patches should be removed o Selenium sulfide shampoo used IF the condition persists w/ regular washings Duchenne: SS: toe walking, frequent falls, easy fatigue, waddling gait
Gower’s maneuver o Child using arms to move into a position to get up off of the floor Epiglottitis: SS: fever, sore throat, child leaning forward w/ chin out and tongue protruding TX: prepare for intubation or tracheostomy o Administer IV antibiotics Pneumonia: Lying on the affected lung might help with discomfort Hirschsprung’s disease: Congenital aganglionosis o Absence of ganglionic cells in rectum SS: foul-smelling ribbon like stools, constipation o Poor eating habits Pyloric stenosis: SS: projectile vomiting, hunger and crying, constipation, decrease urinary output o Vomit undigested food o Metabolic alkalosis Give K+ in 0.9% NS to replace K+ Preop care: o Administer IV fluids + electrolytes o Weight daily + monitor I&O o Provide small, frequent feedings Post OP: o Provide small oral feedings w/ electrolyte or glucose solutions (4-6 hours post OP) o Position on right side in semi fowler after feeding o Burp frequently to avoid stomach distention o Weigh daily & monitor I&O Croup: Upper respiratory illness which causes obstruction o Due to the edema Seal like barking cough ( STRIDOR ) Management: o Cool mist tent; allow parents to be in the tent to calm them down Bronchiolitis/RSV: Incubation period is 2-8 days SS: rhinitis, cough, low grade fever, wheezing, rapid respirations, poor appetite, vomit, diarrhea Transmissible via contact o Contact isolation as the virus passes through hand contact Use gown and gloves; mask not required Management: o Provide care in cool mist tent o Maintain hydration (oral and IV)
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o Palivizumab for high risk children (younger than 2) o Position child w/ head and chest at a 30- to 40-degree angle and the neck slightly extended to maintain an open airway and decrease pressure on the diaphragm CHF: Early signs: o Tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresois, resp distress, sudden weight gain o Cushing’s syndrome: Weight gain, delayed growth Developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) Risk factors: breach position, oligohydramnios SS: asymmetrical thigh or gluteal folds, limb length discrepancy, restricted motion Assessment: Ortolani and Barlow test o Ortolani: elicits sensation of dislocated hip reducing o Barlow: detects unstable hip dislocating from acetabulum TX: o Pavlik Harness: Should be worn 24 hours a day A bodysuit (or t-shirt and socks) should be worn under the harness Plagiocephaly: Asymmetrical flattening of the back of the head due to sleeping on the back Prevent it by: supervised tummy time, special exercises and corrective helmets Amblyopia: (LAZY EYE) Using an eye pact or occlusion therapy for 2-6 hours a day Seizures: Phenytoin: o Can cause gingival hyperplasia: instruct parents to do dental checkups o Adequate intake of Vit D and calcium is important Perforated appendix: Parenteral antibiotics for 7-10 days to prevent spread of infection Child should be NPO Discharge usually occurs in 7 days; activity should be limited DTAP Vaccine: 5 series injection for children: 2 mo, 4mo, 6mo, 15-18 mo, and 4-6 years. Contraindications: allergic reaction or fever of 101.5 or greate o Guillain barre, seizures Low grade fever is common and should be treated with acetaminophen Sinus arrhythmia: Heart rate is faster upon inspiration and slower w/ expiration Murmur: Abnormal sound created by blood passing through a defective valve, great vessel or other heart structure Sickle cell anemia: Vaso-occlusive crisis: o Do not palpate the child’s abdomen may cause spleen rupture
o Promoting tissue oxygenation is a priority o Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin) are indicated until the child turns 5 Growth hormone deficiency: Child drops 2 percentage points or more in the growth scale Growth hormone TX: o Adverse symptoms: polyuria and polydipsia Excessive diarrhea: Causes loss of bicarbonate ions which can lead to acidity and metabolic acidosis Breathing frequency increases (tachypnea) Vomiting: Can lead to metabolic alkalosis Esophageal atresia w/ tracheoesophageal fistula This is a surgical emergency Three C’s: o Chocking, cyanosis, coughing Preop: NG tube, IV Fluids, aspirate NG Tube q 5-10 mins o Infant is kept supine or prone w/ HOB elevated Glomerulonephritis: Causes: streptococcal infection Edema: mild, usually around eyes BP: elevated Urine: dark, cola colored Blood: normal serum protein Manifestation: dark, smoky, cola-colored urine o Elevated BUN + Creat o Mild-mod elevation in protein o HTN due to fluid vol overload Nephrotic syndrome: Edema: severe, generalized BP: normal Urine: dark, frothy yellow with massive proteinuria Blood: decreased serum protein Manifestation: o Hypoalbuminemia, edema, proteinuria, weight gain o Elevated serum lipids, pallor, anorexia Cryptorchidism: Condition in which testes fail to descend Surgical correction may be necessary but sometimes it may resolve on its own o All vigorous activity should be restricted for 2 weeks after surgery HCG may be given to aid in descent SIADH: Carefully assess for changes in LOC TX: o Loop diuretics (furosemide) o Fluid replacement after they are peeing with 3% NaCl
Sequestration crisis: Manifestation: o Enlarged liver and spleen o Anemia Normal Vital Signs: Newborn: o Temp: 96.8-99 o Apical HR: 120-160 o BP: 80-90/40-50 o RR: 30-60 1 YO: o 97-99 o Apical HR: 90-130 o BP: 90/56 o RR: 20-40 Toddler: o Temp: 97.5-98.7 o Apical HR: 80-120 o RR: 20-30 o BP: 92/55 Preschooler: o Temp: 97.5-98.6 o Apical HR: 70-110 o RR: 16-22 o BP: 95/57 School Age: o Temp: 97.5-98.6 o Apical HR: 60-100 o RR: 18-20 o BP: 107/64 Normal blood sugar: o Newborn: Under 40 is bad Over 60 is bad o Infant 50-80 o Child 60-100
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