Patient C is a nine-year-old who was brought into the health center from school after he began
to complain of difficulty breathing during gym class. Observation and a physical examination
reveal an anxious-looking child with an increased respiratory rate, a hacking cough, and
wheezing sounds as he inhaled and exhaled. His symptoms developed after a period of
strenuous physical exertion in class and reportedly have occurred on several past occasions.
Procedures are performed to help assess airway obstruction and reveal a reduced volume of gas
exchange. The administration of inhaled medication and oxygen therapy is immediately started.
Please answer the following questions and respond to 2 classmates with 2 medical terms:
These findings suggest ____
Reactive airway disease
also is similar to asthma
_____, which is
an intermittent respiratory disorder during which air passages become inflamed and overly
2. _
___ is the medical term for difficult breathing.
Pulmonary Function Tests
____ (PFTs) are procedures used to measure airflow in and out
of lungs.
4. What is the medical term for increased respiratory rate? It is