Wk3- Marketing Research 1
There are many marketing techniques that drive a business to a most effective, but lowest
cost outcome. In healthcare, especially woman’s healthcare, digit marketing can be the cheapest and can benefit a company’s brand. Without the proper branding team, the most expensive cost of digit marketing is finding a branding agency that will push your needs. Digit branding is a very broad category, but consist of website development and designing, social media, blogging, logo, and brand development, and sometimes paid advertising. According to Beacon Media + Marketing, an agency that specializes in healthcare marketing, creating a cohesive marketing strategy helps an organization reach a broader range of people. (What Practice Owners Should Know About Marketing for Women’s Health, 2022).
Faith & Main Consultants were contacted to study the marketing of the woman’s services
at East Chestnut Health System (ECHS). Their report showed whether or not a woman’s center would benefit being opened across county lines. They discovered 36% of woman would travel across county lines for health services, but 72% of Chestnut County’s woman would rather receive serves closer. The most popular topics women discussed are breast care, gynecology, female doctors, services in one area and women physicals. (University of Phoenix, 2021)
When doing secondary research on women’s health services, I have found that about 93%
of woman have had services in the past two years, but only 73% of woman have done so just for a physical (Long et al., 2021). I believe Faith and Main Consultants’ are not supported because of the amount of addition information they could have done research on. I believe they should have additional research because of they only did research based on the people who live within the county. Faith & Main should have conducted research on the women who also reside out of the county lines. They should find out how many women living out of the county prefer to go into the Chestnut County for their health care services. They summed up the people receiving