The advertisement illustrated above is of a famous actress
, Jennifer Aniston
promoting products for the brand Sephora
. Jennifer Aniston has been a well-known figure in Hollywood for over two decades and is admired for her contributions to entertainment, and vocal empowerment for women and is included in many magazine’s lists of the world’s most beautiful women
. (Amelia Gayle, 2009).
The specific principle I am addressing from the Social Psychological principles of persuasion is liking. “Liking someone or something affects your chances of being influenced by them (Schenker, 2016). Jennifer Aniston’s worldwide fame has gained 45.2 million followers according to Instagram in 2024. The provided AD targets the female population
with the message “If Jennifer Aniston uses this, it must be great
”. According to Davison, 2008, “The more we like people, the more we are influenced to say yes”.
The principle of Social Proof is an alternative principle that could be employed effectively. “Being social creatures, humans get their cues on how to think, feel, and act from those around them” (Cialdini,2001). The AD above shows a well-liked, popular individual showing their support of a brand that is being promoted. In my plan, I would utilize the AD in showing how this product has benefited Jennifer Aniston to provide more reasons others may find it useful for themselves. For example, how long has she used it? How long do results take? I
would also include a price range to make it more appealing to lower-income classes. When considering ethical issues related to this sample, the transparency and honesty of the advertisement are what I think of. To enhance persuasiveness
, including customer feedback could be beneficial.