SNHU 107 Module Six Journal



Southern New Hampshire University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 22, 2024





Uploaded by CoachIronCrab36

SNHU 107 Module Six Journal Template Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for grading and feedback. 1. Why do you think feedback from others is important? Receiving feedback us new perspectives and helps us improve. It can out areas we might have missed and guide us on how to do better in our work or behavior. 2. Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback. How does receiving feedback make you feel? How can you improve your reaction to feedback?  Receiving feedback can make me feel or defensive at first. However, it can also be helpful and encouraging. I can improve my reaction by staying calm, listening carefully, and considering the feedback as a chance to grow. 3. Describe how you can use past feedback to inform how you give and receive feedback now. What have you learned from past experiences in which you received feedback?  In the past, feedback has taught me that it is okay to make mistakes and learn from them. I now understand the importance of being specific and constructive when giving feedback to others and being open and not taking it personally when receiving feedback. 4. Describe the impact that diversity awareness has on giving and receiving feedback when communicating and collaborating with others. What problems could you run into if you do not understand diversity awareness when communicating and collaborating with others?  Diversity awareness helps us respect and understand different backgrounds and viewpoints. Without it, we might misunderstand others, cause offense, or miss out on valuable insights. Respecting diversity ensures better communication and collaboration 5. Describe how you can use strategies for interacting with diverse groups of people as you give and receive feedback.  I can use strategies like active listening, being patient, and showing respect for different perspectives. It helps to be clear and kind in communication and to ask questions if I don’t understand someone’s viewpoint. This way, everyone feels valued and included.
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