Got milk? Case study



Western Carolina University *

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Jun 22, 2024





Uploaded by nikisutton7

Niki Sutton MKT 343 10 October 2021 Got milk? Case study 1. What associations do consumers have for milk? What are the implications of these associations in terms of building brand equity for and increasing the consumption of milk? a. Some of the associations of milk include chocolate chip cookies, cereal, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. All of these things were marketed in a way to where they were highly recommended to go along with milk as a drink paring. But these things were also known to be unhealthy, and it contradicted the fact that they were trying to portray milk as a healthy product and something that people needed in their diet to stay healthy. Later on they started to brand milk as something that builds strong bones but completely ended up flipping the script when they did this and it changed kids outlooks on it because they stopped their previous marketing strategies as trying to market it in as something to go along with snacks. This may have
turned kids away from wanting to drink it resulting in the decline of milk sales. 2. Evaluate the original CMPB marketing strategy and its more recent marketing strategies. Discuss their strengths and weaknesses. a. The original “got milk?” strategy using people eating things such as cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, and cereal with no milk, then searching milk had a strength of showing that these foods should be eaten with a glass of milk. Thus, leaving the impression on people that they were doing something wrong by not drinking milk with those snacks and that these foods people already loved would be even better with a tall glass of ice-cold milk. A weakness of this marketing strategy is that they overused it resulting in a decline in milk sales. Another way they tried to market the “got milk?’ strategy was by portraying milk as something that helps bone health. This strategy ultimately did not go as planned because while it did not decrease the current sales of milk, it did not increase them either. Some of the more recent marketing strategies they have tried out include their ad stating that milk helps reduces the symptoms of postmenstrual syndrome. I don't believe this marketing technique had any advantages only
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