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Jun 5, 2024





Uploaded by AmbassadorMandrill3883

Comparative Matrix Market Analysis Comparative Matrix Market Analysis Soft Drink Your Product Pepsi Direct competitor Coca-Cola Indirect Competitor Tahitian treat Price per case $9.98 $13.18 $9.99
Sugar 41mg 39mg 37mg Standalone ability Standalone Standalone Standalone calories 150 160 139 Founded 1898 1886 1964 Sodium 15mg 50mg 29mg flavors 63 60 1 Caffeine 37.5 34mg 0mg The outcome of your comparative matrix market analysis Coca-Cola is priced higher than Pepsi and Tahitian Treat. This positions Coca-Cola as a premium option compared to its competitors. Tahitian Treat has the lowest sugar content, followed by Coca-Cola and Pepsi. This could be appealing to health-conscious consumers looking for lower-sugar options. All three brands are positioned as standalone beverages, indicating they do not necessarily rely on complementary products for consumption. Tahitian Treat has the lowest calorie count, followed by Pepsi and Coca-Cola. This could appeal to consumers looking to manage their calorie intake. Pepsi has the lowest sodium content, followed by Tahitian Treat and Coca-Cola. Lower sodium content might be a selling point to health-conscious consumers. Pepsi offers the highest variety of flavors, followed by Coca- Cola and Tahitian Treat. This could attract consumers who enjoy a diverse range of beverage options. Pepsi has the highest caffeine content, followed by Coca-Cola and Tahitian Treat. This might appeal to consumers seeking a caffeinated beverage for an energy boost. Based on these factors, each brand has strengths and weaknesses that could appeal to different market segments. Pepsi might attract consumers looking for a moderately priced soda with higher caffeine content, while Coca-Cola's premium pricing and brand reputation appeal to those valuing tradition and quality. With its lower sugar and calorie content, Tahitian Treat could target health-conscious consumers seeking alternatives to traditional sodas. Additionally, all three brands compete within the soda market and indirectly with
other beverage categories, offering consumers a wide range of choices based on their preferences and needs. Using Six Sigma to compare the manufacturing defect rate on your product, what could be additional reasons for the reduction in sales? What operational changes could be made to increase performance? Six Sigma is a tool manufacturers use for process improvement and quality control. Six Sigma is used to improve business performance and increase customer satisfaction. This is done by eliminating causes of defects and errors and reducing cycle and operational costs for the business (AL-Omani, 2021). Coca-Cola decided to use DMAIC and listen to their customers to make improvements. After Pepsi presented the blind test taste, Coke saw that people preferred the sweet taste of Pepsi. Coke introduced a new formula in 1985. This change showed Coke how loyal the customers were to the original taste. Using the DMAIC will aid Coca-Cola in the Defining, Measuring, Analyzing, Improving, and Controlling phases. Define- Due to the complaints from the customers about New Coke and the slow response to getting answers, Coca-Cola was able to define its significant problems. Measure- Coca-Cola used this time to measure why there was a delay in responding to customers' complaints. The call centers and hotlines were inspected to see if there was a delay in this department. Any technology or machines related to this situation were also inspected. Analyze- The data was compiled into graphs and charts to understand the massive delay between the customers and customer service.
Improvement- Coca-Cola used their best-trained employees to train the others in the call center for better performance. This would help all employees be on the same level when answering questions and handling complaints. This would also give the customers consistency. Control phase- the control phase consists of monitoring the improvement to ensure the issues do not happen again. Coco-Cola checked in on the improvement by having the customer service department submit weekly check-in to management. Implementing Six Sigma helped Coca-Cola's customer service department react faster to customers. Identifying additional reasons for the reduction in sales: Customer complaint analysis: Gather and analyze customer complaints about product quality, taste, packaging, or other factors. This can help identify specific issues contributing to reduced sales. Market research: Conduct market research to understand changing consumer preferences, emerging trends, and competitor strategies. Insights from market analysis can reveal reasons for declining sales, such as shifts in consumer demand or increased competition. Sales data analysis: Analyze sales data to identify patterns, such as declining sales in specific regions or customer segments. This can uncover factors influencing purchasing decisions and help pinpoint areas for improvement. Product quality metrics: Evaluate product quality metrics, including defect rates, customer returns, and warranty claims. High defect rates or frequent product returns indicate quality issues that may impact sales. Operational changes to increase performance: quality improvement initiatives: implement Six Sigma methodologies to identify root causes of manufacturing defects and reduce variability in production processes. This perspective on Six Sigma acknowledges the fundamental and thorough DMAIC methodology. DMAIC outlines the specific steps that a Six Sigma practitioner is tasked with, beginning with problem identification and culminating in implementing enduring solutions (Learn About Quality, n.d.). For example, conducting DMAIC projects can lead to process improvements and lower
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