Module 01 PATH Reflection and Tracking
PATH Reflection
Tracking: Attendance, Assignments, Skill Assessment/Competency (20 points)
Students must provide thoughtful and detailed responses to the questions below.
Professionalism (5 points):
Did you attend both residential classes this week (yes or no)?
Yes, I attended both residential classes this week.
If not, did you reach out to your instructor? 2.
How have you demonstrated professionalism this week when working with your groups, during mock clinical practices, and demonstrating teamwork? Were there times you could have acted differently this week to demonstrate more professionalism? I demonstrated professionalism by actively participating in group activities, maintaining open communication, and collaborating effectively during mock clinical practices. While overall satisfied, I recognize that I could improve by proactively seeking feedback and promptly addressing concerns.
Attitude (5 points):
Skill assessment/competency status:
What skill assessments/competencies did you perform this week? List them below:
Kill assessments/competencies performed this week:
Blood pressure measurement
Medication administration
Patient history documentation
Did you fail any competencies this week? If so, list the competencies below and state how many additional attempts you have remaining for these skills. Also, how did you
respond when you found out that you would have to repeat an attempt? No, I did not fail any competencies this week. However, I have one additional attempt
for medication administration due to a minor error. I responded positively, acknowledging the need for improvement.
What remediation plan was set in place by your instructor?