-International Management-
Study Guide: Mid-Term Exam
Multiple-Choice Questions Instructions:
Although questions may be asked from across all chapters being tested from the textbook, familiarity with the following concepts and phrases should assist you toward achieving a higher score on the Multiple-Choice portion of the exam, which will comprise 60 questions worth a total of 15 points or 15% of your final grade. Chapter 1:
MNC criteria, EU's ultimate objective, maquiladora, chaebol, keiretsu, globalization, outsourcing vs. offshoring, WTO, purchasing power parity, foreign direct investment
Chapter 2:
Socialist law, principle of sovereignty, FCPA, common law, nationality principle, cellular infrastructure,
act of state doctrine Chapter 3:
CSR, sustainability, corporate governance
Chapter 4:
Hofstede and Trompenaars' dimensions of culture, values, Confucianism Chapter 5:
Guanxi, four distinct predispositions, criteria for doing business in China, structure of French organizations, HAIRL, advertising strategies in France, Germany, and Britain Chapter 6:
Organizational culture, norms, types of culture (e.g., guided missile), types of groups (e.g., multicultural), groupthink Chapter 7:
Degrees of communication quantity (e.g., elaborate), downward vs. upward communication, low/high-
context cultures, chromatics vs. proxemics, time schedules (e.g., polychronic), negotiation, distributive vs. integrative negotiation Short-Answer Questions
Instructions: Be prepared to specifically respond to each of the following Short-Answer questions of the exam, comprising 15 questions worth a total of 15 points or 15% of your final grade. Only questions from those listed below will be asked.
Chapter 1: 1.
What is a multinational corporation (MNC)? Describe its characteristics.
Explain the concepts of market, command, and mixed economies.
Chapter 2:
Name and describe the three types of jurisdictional principles in international law.
What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? What are its objectives? Chapter 3: 1.
Explain corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
Discuss the concept of corporate governance.
Chapter 4: 1.
Discuss Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity.