Hello everyone,
The organization I will be using for the final project is CHRIS 180. It is based out of Atlanta, GA. This organization specializes in child welfare services and behavioral health (CHRIS 180, 2023). They provide services to children and adults. CHRIS is an acronym that describes what their mission is. CHRIS stands for creativity, honor, respect, integrity, and safety (CHRIS 180, 2023). Concerns or issues that have created the need for policy change related to diversity within CHRIS 180 was accepting and promoting to work with the LGBTQ+ community (CHRIS 180, 2023). Their mission is to care for everyone
and benefit all who need help. Everyone deserves to feel like they are important and can get the help they need. Their goal is to have zero discrimination within the organization. The former policy was ineffective because some individuals are not comfortable or are scared to come forward about their sexuality. If CHRIS 180 is promoting that they care for everyone, those individuals will feel more comfortable receiving the help they need. Those individuals will also reach out to others to send them in the right direction (CHRIS 180) to receive help.
Diversity issues may impede the ability to communicate with the individuals who need to be reached because if they feel they are not appreciated or cared for they will not reach out to be helped. CHRIS 180 has a diverse group
of employees, but as I was searching I found a lot more females than males. It is important to have a diverse group because clients like to receive help from professionals they can relate to. This will help them be more open and find the treatment that best suits them.
CHRIS 180. (2023, November 7). Our mission, vision and values
. https://chris180.org/who-we-