Training process
The training will take five business days and is accessible to current leaders seeking to further
their leadership knowledge within their current roles. The program will help leaders know how to
use personal talents and skills and the type of skills required to enhance their leadership roles.
The program will include leadership identification, behaviors, and application of leadership
skills. The assessment will take place after six months and after one year. The leader will
undertake a comparison test and project report to show the skills used. The program aims to learn
new tactics, behaviors, and skills that will help them enhance their roles. To develop the skills,
leaders can practice new skills through case studies and role spins. Through such practices, the
current leaders will be able to know if they have mastered the new skills to improve their roles,
and they will also know areas in which they need to improve.
Development techniques, including curriculum, materials, or resources
Leadership Assessment
The tactic applied for assessing leadership is self-efficacy and Clifton's Strengths. Self-efficacy
assessment will help the current leaders know areas in which they are doing well and areas that
need strengthening. Clifton Strengths technique helps the leaders assess some inherited behaviors
that need to be modified and areas that need to be changed completely.
Leadership Skills-communication
Role-playing, task tracking, and undergoing break-out rooms are used to enhance
communication. The participants will be introduced to the task tracker technique, which will then
be implemented to enhance team transparency. Working as a team where everything is
communicated openly will motivate the remote workers since they will feel part of the team
despite the distance. The break-out simulation enhances the team's identification, connectedness,
and sense of belonging. The resources include communication articles. Rotation of the roles is a
strategy applied for business acumen to know how employee knowledge gives leaders influence
and credibility. Leaders will be able to know how their choices influence others. The resources
will include case studies and articles.
How the program capitalizes upon the efficiencies and overcomes the inefficiencies
The program maintains flexibility such that the leaders may decide on the quarterly session in
which they will participate based on their time. Also, the resources will be supplied in hardcopies
and digital tools for the references, such as research papers, case studies, and notes. The
inefficiencies will be overcome through enhancing knowledge through projects and real-life
practices. The leaders will engage in assessments and other projects to overcome inefficiencies.
Incentives provided to individuals for participation in the program
The leaders engaging in the program will be motivated through promotion. They will be
provided a certificate showing they participated in the program and are eligible for the
promotion. They will be provided a recommendation letter to improve their employment history.