Cherrilyn Campos
Dr. Michael Noble
21 October 2023
Carl Schurz, Report on the Condition of the South, (New York: Arno Press, 1969), 37–40.
According to Schurz, what was the economic and social condition of the South following
the Civil War?
During the uprising, their economy was wrecked, as well as their military and political fortunes.
Some planters have even experienced total poverty, despite their former status as one of the
wealthiest groups in the South.
What had emancipation accomplished? What still needed to be accomplished?
It was issued on January 1, 1863, by Abraham Lincoln, whose aim was to emancipate the slaves.
There was a freeing of slaves in 10 Confederate states that were still in rebellion. Further, it
increased the Union Army's manpower by allowing freed slaves to join.
What needed to be done to “reconstruct” southern society? What might prevent
successful “reconstruction”?
They reconstructed by setting goals for Republicans in Washington and goals for the South to
rebuild the social area in the North: free labor, free ballot box, and general equality before the
law. When things are in their place, then the South is back in the Union.
The reconstruction failed in the United States because White Southerners who were opposed to
violence undermined Black political power and forced uncommitted White Southerners.