\f
St.Joseph's
Health
“Open-book”
Quiz
Please
complete
this
sheet
and
return
it
fo
Human
Resources
within
three
days
of
receiving
this
packet.
1.
Whatare
St.
Joseph’s
values?
(Circle
the
correct
answer)
a.
Respect,
Integrity,
Capacity,
Excellence
b.
Reverence,
Integrity,
Compassion,
Excellence
c.
Relationships,
Fidelity,
Solidarity,
Preeminence
d.
None
of
the
above
2.
In
case
of
fire,
you
are
to
remember
Define.
3.
True
False
Blood
is
the
only
body
fluid
that
can
carry
a
bloodborne
disease.
True
False
According
to
Standard
Precautions,
you
must
treat
all
blood
and
body
fluids
as
if
they
were
infected
with
a
bloodbome
disease.
True
False
St.
Joseph's
is
a
tobacco
free
facility.
4.
Code
Strong
means
(circle
one)
a.
designated
team
goes
to
the
location
paged
overhead
b.
Someone
is
exhibiting
violent
behavior
c.
person
may
be
combative
or
assaultive
d
All
of
the
above
5.
True
False
regulations
are
national
standards
that
protect
patient’s
privacy.
True
False
Protected
Health
Information
is
demographic
and
health
information
about
a
patient
that
can
be
used
to
identify
an
individual.
Please
sign
and
date
this
test.
Put
it
in
the
attached
envelope
and
return
it
to
Administration
by.
Signature
Date