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Purdue University - School of Engineering Technology Final examination - Spring semester, AY2022/23 ECET 32700 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Design Wednesday, May 312023 10:30AM 12:30PM (120 mins) MTHW 304 Instructor: Dr. Noori Kim Student Name: S a@ Purdue Email ID: Instructions to students: 1. This examination comprises Thirty (30) Questions printed on Twelve (12) pages, including the cover page and appendix. Each question is worth One (1) point with a total of Thirty (30) points. ”» 2. For all questions, clearly write your final answer choice(s) in “Your answer: zone. 3. For all short answers, write units unless otherwise unitless quantities (units -have partial points for this type of question). 4. All answers must be written on this Exam Question Paper. 5. A calculator and one-page (both sides), 100% hand-written, letter-sized cheat sheet are allowed in this exam. At the end of the examination, Write your Purdue email ID on all front pages and any additional pages attached to your script (if any). Failure to do so will mean that your work will not be identified. The University reserves the right not to mark your script if you fail to follow these instructions. Final Examination - Spring, AY2022/23 Page 1 of 12
1. What is the best answer for A? Physical Phenomenon i it sl Display (@. Processed voltage . Physical signal @. Decimal numbers Electrical signal None of the above 2. Which is not relevant to the NI USB-6008 Device Specifications? (. 8 Single-ended Analog input channels @. 2 Digital 1/0 channels @. ADC type: Successive approximation @), Single-ended input resolution: 11bits @\Jone of the above g Your answer: Your answer: 3. Find an incorrect pair of an SI unit constant and unit . Hyperfine transition frequency of Cs: 9,192,631,770 Hz (@. Speed of light in vacuum: 299,792,458 m/s ). Plank constant: 6.62607015 x 104 J/Hz lementary charge: 1.602176634 x 10" C . Boltzmann constant: 1.380649 x 1023 J/K ;L. Your answer: 4. “BLANK?” is a process to convert the continuous amplitude of the sampled signal into binary states. What is the best word to fill in the “BLANK”? @. Holding Quantization 3. ADC @. Sampling (®). None of the above adey Your answer: 5. The datatype is: . Double Precision Integer ©@. Double Precision Floating-Point 3. Any constant @. Array : @ one of the above F Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 2 of 12 Sensor/Transducer . signal Conditioni ADC Computer or User Output i
Purdue email ID: 6. 10. “BLANK?” is one of a sensor’s properties to specify the maximum expected overall error. And the best way is to express the “BLANK” of each element in terms of the transfer function. What is the best word to fill in the “BLANK”? Accuracy . Repeatability @. Linearity @. Hysteresis (5. Reproducibility ®. Resolution Your answer: “BLANK?” time constant represents the time at which the output value has changed by approximately the maximum total change. Fill in the BLANK. . Two @. Four % Five . Eight (®. Ten Your answer: 3 Data is passed into/out of Execution Control structures using: D. Auto Indexing (@. Tteration Terminal ). Count Terminal unnels (®). None of the above ¢ Your answer: A structure used to execute different codes based on the output of a logic or test condition is called a: (D. While Loop @. DAQ assistant (34 Boolean Switch @ Case Structure ®). For Loop Your answer: ) A force sensor has an output range of £8 volts (V) and a measurement range of 50 newtons (N) with a resolution of 0.1% Full Scale (FS). Find the smallest change in force that can be measured.? 0.IN 100 ¥ 0.03] =0, 1IN 2. 0.05N @. 8mV @. 16mV . ®. 0.IN/V , Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 3 of 12
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11. Which statement is not true for a thermocouple? (D. Requires a temperature difference between the measuring junction and reference junction. (2. Consists of two wires of different metal alloys. (3. When the measured voltage value does not fall exactly on the thermocouple table, the value needs to be interpolated. There are two types, NTC and PTC " Type K is for Chromel and Alumel alloys ¢. Your answer: 12. A type J thermocouple measures 22.6mV with a 0°C reference. What is the junction temperature? Refer to the appendix table: 13.57°C "o 411.78°C 4ro + o (.6 -2.¢) ®. 411.78°F 22.68-220.4 @. 413.57°F =41b ¢+ 3,51 (®. None of the above Your answer: (& 13. Given 453.87 °R, convert the temy = M. 21.45°C @. -65°C 453.81 x5 _ a5 ®. -21.45°C q % -21°C \N‘_) .21°C K Your answer: % = 252.1S 14. Which is not an SI “base” unit? @.m s o . K ®. mol 3 Your answer: 15. What infrastructure is optional (not required) to translate the state diagram into a LabVIEW programming? (D. While Loop @. Case Structure Shift Register . Boolean . Enum ‘L Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 4 of 12
| | | Purdue email 1D: 16. Refer to the picture below. Given the Vin, what is the expected Vout? Vin +2.5v o Vout 2.5V = +5V, }-VW— i 2.5V °‘m 2.5V @ +5v ov 2.5V ov| +2.5V ov 3 17. Refer to the State Transition Diagram below. When 8-bit input sequence is given as “01001010” find the corresponding output sequence. [ Your answer: D. 01011011 ©. 00101010 . 01001010 %00100101 5. 01000101 4. Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 5 of 12
18. When PW1=1, PW2=2, PW3=2, what is expected state transition based on the following State Machine VI? Choose the best answer. w1 w2 e D # e v i sop sute ] e [1000} [ Init", Defoutt —H T Door Open %It keeps looping states Init, S1, and S12. . Init, S1, S12, then it goes to the stop state. @. Init, S1, then it goes to the S12 state. @. It goes to the stop state directly. ®. Init, S1, S12, S123, then it goes to the Init state. | Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 6 of 12
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Purdue email 1D: 15kO +8V L > 1.5kQ Va 1o+ $ -8V Vy 15kQ Yo Figure 1 An op-amp circuit (Questions 19-20) 19. What is the voltage at the inverting terminal of the op-amp when v,= 3V and v, =2V in Figure 1? @D. 1v o @.-8v ®. 8V Your answer: 3 20. What is the voltage at the non-inverting terminal of the op-amp when v, = 3V and v, =2V in Figure 1? o .2V ®.3V @. -8V ®. 8V ' Your answer: 21. What is the output voltage (v,) when Ry = 5kQ, Ro=10kQ, Ra= 10k, Rp=10kQ, R3 = 2.5kQ, and Rc= 10kQ? RC MWV R, v o—AMW- R, R vz 2 R3 —0 Ylo v L @3 Ve = = ok agk 1ok D. vo=2v; +4vs -4v3 ~Vy @.vo=vi+v2-2v3 .!1 l‘- T r(—IVQ‘v‘-*""vs)=v° @.vo=vi+v2+4v; Sk jow ot Vo =2v; +v2-4v3 = 2.V|"v3- %None of the above Vaz= < ¢- Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 7 of 12
22. Capacitors are circled below. Which one does smooth signals so called as a “capacitor filter?” swecimm D w < e wo R~ o m A & oo o o 01 mfl;::«'i) e \Lvm- c‘:’n E Voutl L s - o) e T A o aw it 1 - iy [TV S Y o el el e~ e N o ™0 % eyl b w/l/ o Vout2 e Pty e 3 moQw > Opese Your answer: 23. What is |[Vout/Vin| of the following circuits? Yous| - L O o e (v.l I (Guerd WeR = Joorcyni v = 14WeRr)t out w? g Vel = T VCiasweny Voue| _ 1 Vil J(wRO)Z-1 Voue| _ wRC Vin V(wRC)*-1 L Your answer: s 0Qe Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 8 of 12
Purdue email ID: 24. A measurement signal has a frequency <lkHz, but there is unwanted noise at about IMHz. Design a low-pass filter that attenuates the noise to 1%. What is the best possible resistor (R) and capacitor (C) values? D. R =160Q, C = 0.6uF \ w ‘ok @.R=1000Q, C=0.1pF moem W = 1009, C=0.16pF anRe @. R =100Q, C = 16uF ®.R=10kQ, C=0.1pF Your answer: \ 3 25. Which circuit the best matches with the following input and output voltage signals? DC reference voltages upper center lower ‘\M/ +V VWI -V +V le v Va e Vuut ov Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 9 of 12
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26. An analog signal is given in the time and frequency domain. What is the minimum sampling rate necessary to reconstruct the signal based on the Nyquist theorem? 3% f Py 02 03 = & i) = S o S - = 0% - p . | YA 1 100051001 1.0015 1,002 1.00251.003 1.00351.004 1.0045 1.005 L U ;‘ lk"‘ Ti ( ) 0 04081218 2225 3 34 3942 47%.. . ime (sec, Frequency (kHz) * A Your answer: IO‘ "\' k“e / JGW\P"{— 27. Pikachu wants to connect a load to 5V and implements the following circuits, but the voltage measured at the load was not 5V and unstable. Draw a circuit to fix the problem. Use an op-amp. Vee . B . 10V Your answer (drawing) is in this box: ¢l - = = 2] AN peo R ok T 28. What is the name of the function below used with a cluster? String Application N - = | Age = Pass/Fail | Numeric Function? @ Boolean Usbundle Your answer: Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 10 of 12
Purdue email 1D: 29. The figure below shows 3 bit R2R DAC. If Vce=3.3V, R=11k then compute the device range and the output voltage when Q2Q1Q0=101. 2R R R IOllt +Vout - loo = o.05mA Oo | =9 0,0126 A 0. o6rs mA Q2 b3 22 e N 0-3V or 3V l.375v Your answer (the device range): Your answer (Vou when Q2Q1Q0=101): 30. Points are sampled digital data, and the solid curve is the digitized voltage signal in time. What is the signal frequency (f) and sampling frequency (fs)? V(t) 1000 0.0000 3072 0.0167 1024 0.0333 3072 0.0500 1024 0.0667 3072 0.0833 1024 0.1000 3072 0.1167 1024 0.1333 3072 0.1500 1024 O (4 3”"0 Time (s) ,;b Hg o 189 .15 Hg Your answer (f) : Your answer (fs): . f ' ”‘ éo ‘13 --END OF PAPER--- Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 . Page 11 of 12
-- Appendix--- Thermocouple Tables The following tables give the output voltage of several thermocouple (TC) types over a range of temperature in 5°C increments. In each case, the TCreferencetemperature is 0°C. The first- named material will be the positive terminal, as iron-constantan; the iron will be the positive lead when the refereiice temperature is lower than the measurement. The temperature is in °C, andthe output is mV. Each column is in 5°C increments from the temperature of that row. TYPE J: IRON-CONSTANTAN 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 - 45 -150 -650 -666 -682 -697 -7.12 -727 ~740 -754 -7.66 -778 —100 -463 -483 -503 -523 -542 =561 -580 -598 -616 -633 =50 -243 -266 -289 -3J2 -—334 -356 -3.78 -400 421 -442 -0 000 -025 -050 -075 -1.00 -124 ~-148 -172 -196 -220 +0 000 025 0.50 0.76 1.02 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.06 232 50 258 285 311 3.38 3.65 3.92 4.19 4.46 4.73 5.00 100 527 5.54 5.84 6.08 6.36 6.63 6.90 7.18 745 7.3 150 8.00 828 8.56 8.84 9.11 939 967 995 1022 10.50 200 1078 1106 1134 1162 11.89 1217 1245 1273 1301 1328 250 1356 13.84 1402 1439 1467 1494 1522 1550 1577 1605 300 1633 1660 1688 17.15 1743 1771 1798 1826 1854 1881 350 1909 1937 1964 1992 2020 2047 2075 2102 2130 2157 400 21.85 2203 2240 2268 2295 2323 2350 2378 2406 2433 450 24,61 2488 2516 2544 2572 2599 2627 2655 2683 2711 500 2739 2767 2795 2823 2852 2880 2908 2937 2965 2994 550 3022 3051 3080 3108 3137 3166 3195 3224 3253 3282 600 3311 3341 3370 3399 3429 3458 3488 3518 3548 3578 650 3608 3638 3669 3699 3730 37.60 3791 3822 3853 3884 700 39.15 3947 3978 4010 4041 4073 4105 4136 4168 42.00 Final Examination Spring AY2022/23 Page 12 0f 12
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