12/19/23, 12:47 PM
Cindy Najera - Fall 2023 Organizational Communication (ORGL-3321-3CW) - Texas A&M - Commerce
Post-test - Module 2 - Results
Attempt 1 of 3
Written Nov 27, 2023 5:48 PM - Nov 27, 2023 6:26 PM
Attempt Score
88 / 100 - 88 %
Overall Grade (Highest Attempt)
88 / 100 - 88 %
Question 4
0 / 4 points
To overcome barriers to communication, you should do all of the following EXCEPT ______________ . Question 10
0 / 4 points
In addition to its general purpose, business writing also has at least one specific purpose, which is the
Question 20
0 / 4 points
As the author, it is your responsibility to insure your content is correct, clear, concise, and ethical. When
you consider these things, you are providing yourself with
Your quiz has been submitted successfully.
sweat the small stuff and pay attention to details
strive to understand the target meaning
use jargon
review, reflect, and revise
communication channel.
communication context.
thesis statement.
the result that will happen once your written communication has been read.
a clear purpose statement.
internal feedback.
your audience's expectations.
current and up to date information.