12/19/23, 12:47 PM
Cindy Najera - Fall 2023 Organizational Communication (ORGL-3321-3CW) - Texas A&M - Commerce
Post-test - Module 3 - Results
Attempt 1 of 3
Written Nov 27, 2023 6:30 PM - Nov 27, 2023 7:38 PM
Attempt Score
94 / 100 - 94 %
Overall Grade (Highest Attempt)
94 / 100 - 94 %
Question 3
0 / 2 points
Which is NOT a function inherent in a speech to inform?
Question 32
0 / 2 points
What is the first aspect of developing a speech which you must acknowledge before planning anything
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Question 48
0 / 2 points
All of the following are true statements concerning evaluations and criticism in the workplace EXCEPT
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increase consideration
increase understanding
change perceptions
gain skills
Why you are speaking
Who your audience will be
When you will speak
Where you will speak
The correct answer is: Why you are speaking
As a manager, be clear and positive in your opening and lead with praise. Make eye contact to show that you are listening and paying attention to the person speaking. Restate the main points to paraphrase what has been discussed. If you disagree, reinforce your points with past behaviors.